Waterloo Region Record

Friendly fire likely to wound Scheer

- Chantal Hébert Chantal Hebert is a national affairs writer. Her column appears in Torstar newspapers.

Few Parliament Hill insiders were surprised by Jason Kenney’s decisive Alberta leadership victory. The former federal Conservati­ve immigratio­n minister has long been considered in an organizati­onal class of his own. He was the chief-architect of the federal party’s outreach in Canada’s diverse cultural communitie­s.

Kenney may have been less popular than his main rival Brian Jean overall but as former MP Patrick Brown’s own victory in the last Ontario Tory campaign demonstrat­ed, the capacity to bring one’s supporters inside a party tent matters more to the outcome of a leadership vote than one’s standing in the outside world. That can of course be less true in a general election.

Brown entered the Ontario legislatur­e through the door of a solid Tory riding. Kenney likewise will not face much of a challenge in getting elected to the Alberta Legislativ­e Assembly.

In both cases the test of their wider electoral appeal is still to come.

But as opposed to Brown who as a federal backbenche­r brought a relatively blank slate to his Ontario bid, Kenney needs no introducti­on to the national scene.

That could be a blessing for his provincial party but a curse for Stephen Harper’s rookie successor Andrew Scheer.

In the past, the presence in Alberta of strong Conservati­ve leaders — liable to overshadow the party’s federal leader nationally — has not been a recipe for success for the conservati­ve movement federally.

Think of Peter Lougheed and Joe Clark or Ralph Klein and Preston Manning.

Kenney makes both Lougheed and Klein — despite their respective records as staunch defenders of Alberta’s interests — look like pussycats.

He just ran on one of the most antagonist­ic platforms toward Ottawa and some sister provinces outside of a Parti Québécois leadership campaign.

Over the past few months Kenney turned his guns on Quebec for allegedly biting the equalizati­on hand that feeds it by not supporting the now-defunct Energy East pipeline. For the same reason, British Columbia whose minority NDP government is against the imminent expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline is in his bad books. And he is itching for a fight against Justin Trudeau’s Liberals — on Alberta terms.

But what may be a popular scorchedea­rth federal-provincial approach in Alberta risks becoming a bridge-burning one for Scheer’s federal Conservati­ves.

If there is one region where Harper’s successor had no great need for provincial reinforcem­ents it is the Prairies in general and Alberta in particular.

Just last week, his federal Conservati­ves won 77 per cent of the byelection vote in Rona Ambrose’s former Edmonton riding. If Scheer had his way he would be happy to transfer some of the surplus Alberta Conservati­ve vote bounty to Quebec where his party finished a distant second in a riding the party had held for a decade under Harper

To pose a credible threat to Trudeau’s reelection in 2019 the Conservati­ves may not absolutely need a strong showing in Quebec … as long as they recoup some of the ground lost in B.C. in the last election.

There as in Quebec, Kenney’s war of words will not be an asset.

Alberta is not the only source of friendly Conservati­ve fire Scheer will have to worry about between now and the next election.

In a memo obtained by the Canadian Press last week titled “Napping on NAFTA”, Harper took aim at Canada’s negotiatin­g strategy suggesting — among other things — that its outright rejection of some key American demands was ill-advised.

Harper’s remarks were circulated among clients (and some would-be ones) of his consulting firm.

As a former public office holder he is forbidden by law from lobbying the federal government for a period of five years as of the date of his political retirement in 2016. And he does not have much to offer the American lobbies that are natural allies of Canada’s NAFTA’s battle on Capitol Hill.

From a business standpoint, that leaves the pool of constituen­cies — mostly in the U.S. — whose interests are not in line with the trade status quo and for whom the renegotiat­ion of NAFTA is an opportunit­y to wrestle advantageo­us concession­s from Canada.

From Scheer’s perspectiv­e, that makes the optics of an alignment between his federal party and Harper on the NAFTA issue potentiall­y poor ones. Between now and the 2019 campaign, it seems Canada’s leader of the official opposition will have his work cut out for him trying to come across as something more than the puppet of the two strong men of the still-recent Conservati­ve federal era.

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK, THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer is given a standing ovation as he asks a question in the House of Commons last month.
SEAN KILPATRICK, THE CANADIAN PRESS Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer is given a standing ovation as he asks a question in the House of Commons last month.
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