Waterloo Region Record

Selling off part of hydro is the sin Ontarians can’t forgive

- RICK SALUTIN Rick Salutin is a Torstar columnist

Liberalism in all forms, including leftlibera­lism, seems exhausted. It ceded to neo-liberalism long ago: inequality, free market worship, anti-government, etc.

What else explains the right’s ability keep trotting out empty ideas and phrases — and win elections! Wednesday’s Ontario PC leadership debate was remarkable for the lack of anything fresh or even … cogitative.

You had candidates who believed the clichés — Ford and Tanya Granic Allen. And those who — I’d bet my house — don’t: Elliott and Mulroney. But they all know the only way to win their party is by channellin­g Mike Harris via Trump, then run on those bromides and probably succeed, since polls say anyone can beat Kathleen Wynne. Argggh.

Who killed liberalism? The Clintons, Blair, Martin and Chrétien, above all Obama. They talked liberalism and delivered neo-liberalism. Raise hopes, then dash them. Then, when your term’s over, having not done all the things you promised, take the money, run, and sunbathe on David Geffen’s yacht in Tahiti.

Kathleen Wynne fits awkwardly. She sounded sincere. She said she’d be the social justice premier. She’s different, I’d say, in one, commendabl­e sense. She came through well on many fronts: pensions, tuition, minimum wage, equal pay, pharmacare.

She blew it severely on just one: she sold Hydro (Hydro One actually, but everyone says Hydro). She stumbled blatantly only there. Yet it leaves a bitter taste people seem unable to shake. How does this compute?

On a cold night in Montreal recently (bear with me) I shared an Uber back from dinner with a millennial I know. He had an account. I don’t. I have a generation­al reluctance because Uber undermines hard-won union rights. But I can recognize a great technology. (They come in minutes, no money changes hands.) I mentioned my qualms about Uber to the millennial. “That’s why I think it should be nationaliz­ed,” he said. “Along with Airbnb, Spotify and Netflix.”

His is a generation so disillusio­ned with the garbage rhetoric of politician­s left and right that they talk freely about socialism. (You must go that far back to escape the stains of liberalism — as Sanders and Corbyn have.)

They know they’ll never live at the level of their parents. Their dream isn’t homeowning. At most, they hope to rent reasonably. They don’t expect to ever have much private property so they don’t fetishize it. They’re open to public ownership. Neoliberal­ism failed them. And they distrust Wynne too. Why? She sold Hydro.

The sell-off of public goods is the quintessen­ce of neo-liberalism. Where did the computer and internet come from? Mostly from U.S. military research, funded by taxes. All key elements of the iPhone, Mariana Mazzucato has shown, came from that research. So why not nationaliz­e payoffs like Uber, instead of exploiting those whose taxes made it all possible? Nationaliz­ing Uber isn’t theft, it’s rectifying theft. It’s taking back for the people, what came from them.

Hydro stands in the same relation. Water is the soul of all life. (Hydro means water.) It’s our bloodstrea­m. It’s a social necessity. Ontario Hydro was a public undertakin­g funded by the public that returned benefits to all. You can’t sell it, you can only swipe it and hand it over, as Wynne did.

The buyers won’t do anything to improve it; they’ll just squeeze it to extract profits. Classical economists of the 1700s and 1800s would’ve called them rentseeker­s — the ugliest players in capitalism. Worse, she did this in the name of acquiring money for another public good: transit. It’s robbing Peter to pay Paul. It’s a scam.

(There was one stunning moment in that PC leadership debate. Host Althia Raj asked if anyone would renational­ize Hydro, followed by TV’s rarest event: prolonged silence.

I think people sense a deep betrayal of principle in Wynne’s Hydro sell-off. Something’s very wrong and if Wynne was capable of it then she’s not to be trusted either. She belongs to them, not us. To me the great mystery of this fascinatin­g political season in Ontario is the loathing of Wynne.

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