Waterloo Region Record

Natural medicines must be part of pharmacare


Re: National pharmacare’s time has come, say MPs — April 18

Any national pharmacare plan has to include coverage for natural medicines and not just for ones that are man-made or “synthesize­d” in a laboratory.

A failure to do so would place that large segment of the population that prefers and seeks out natural healing methods at a disadvanta­ge because through their taxes they would be paying into a plan which they might use only as a last resort, if at all.

Essentiall­y, it would subsidize the pharmaceut­ical industry at the expense of the providers and users of more natural medication­s. And to my mind, this is unjust.

In my opinion, natural medication­s are superior to man-made ones because we are part of nature, not separate from it. The human constituti­on and biochemist­ry evolved over thousands of years within the matrix of the natural world and our bodies have adapted to it.

Synthetics simply don’t have identical molecules, formulatio­ns and chemical compounds as found in nature’s repertoire of naturally occurring chemicals that have been interactin­g and evolving with humans over countless years as food, water, and ambient air.

This is why natural medicines used properly don’t produce the adverse reactions and devastatin­g side-effects common to pharmaceut­ical drugs which the body can’t “relate” to.

Werner Broschinsk­i


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