Waterloo Region Record

Robot animal maker emerges from stealth

Boston Dynamics founder addresses the enduring speculatio­n


BOSTON — It’s never been clear whether robotics company Boston Dynamics is making killing machines, household helpers or something else entirely.

For nine years, the secretive firm — which got its start with U.S. military funding — has unnerved people around the world with YouTube videos of experiment­al robots resembling animal predators.

In one, a life-size robotic wildcat sprints across a parking lot at almost 32 km/h. In another, a small wheeled rover nicknamed SandFlea abruptly flings itself onto rooftops — and back down again. A more recent effort features a slender doglike robot that climbs stairs, holds its own in a tug-of-war with a human and opens a door to let another robot pass.

These glimpses into a possible future of fast, strong and sometimes intimidati­ng robots raise several questions. How do these robots work? What does Boston Dynamics intend to do with them? And do these videos — some viewed almost 30 million times — fairly represent their capabiliti­es?

Boston Dynamics has demonstrat­ed little interest in elaboratin­g. For months, the company and its parent, SoftBank, rebuffed numerous requests seeking informatio­n about its work. When a reporter visited company headquarte­rs in the Boston suburb of Waltham, Mass., he was turned away.

But after The Associated Press spoke with 10 people who have worked with Boston Dynamics or its 68-year-old founder, Marc Raibert, the CEO agreed to a brief interview at a robotics conference in late May. Raibert had just demonstrat­ed the machine that will be the company’s first commercial robot in its 26-year history: the doglike, door-opening SpotMini, which Boston Dynamics plans to sell to businesses as a camera-equipped security guard next year.

The company hasn’t announced a price for the batterypow­ered robots, which weigh about the same as a Labrador retriever. Raibert said it plans to manufactur­e 1,000 SpotMinis annually.

Speculatio­n about Boston Dynamics’ intentions — weapons or servants? — spikes every time it releases a new video. The SpotMini straddles that divide, and Raibert told the AP that he doesn’t rule out future military applicatio­ns. But he played down popular fears that his company’s robots could one day be used to kill.

“We think about that, but that’s also true for cars, airplanes, computers, lasers,” Raibert said, wearing his omnipresen­t Hawaiian shirt as younger robotics engineers lined up to speak with him. “Every technology you can imagine has multiple ways of using it. If there’s a scary part, it’s just that people are scary. I don’t think the robots by themselves are scary.”

The firm’s previous military projects included a four-legged robotic pack mule that could haul supplies across deserts or mountains — but which sounded like a lawn mower and was reportedly deemed too noisy by the U.S. marines.

The bigger question of just what Boston Dynamics hopes to accomplish remains murky — and that may be by design. Interviews with eight former Boston Dynamics employees and some of Raibert’s former academic collaborat­ors suggest that the company has long brushed aside commercial demands, not to mention outsiders’ moral or ethical concerns, in single-minded pursuit of machines that mimic animal locomotion.

Former employees say the company has operated more as a well-funded research lab than a business. Raibert’s vision was kept alive for years through military contracts, especially from the Defence Advanced Research

Projects Agency, known as DARPA. A federal contractin­g database lists more than $150 million in defence funding to Boston Dynamics since 1994.

Boston Dynamics said only it believes a quarter-century of work on robots will “unlock a very high commercial value.” It did not answer when asked if it ever entertaine­d proposals to weaponize them.

Building robots that can jump, gallop or prowl like animals was a fringe field of engineerin­g when Raibert and his colleagues began studying kangaroo and ostrich videos in their Carnegie Mellon University research lab nearly 40 years ago.

But agile robots aren’t so sci-fi anymore, even if they can still seem that way. Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot, for instance, is a hulking humanoid machine that can be seen hiking across broken ground, jumping onto pedestals and even performing an ungainly backflip. (The company’s robot videos have not been independen­tly verified.)

In videos, the company’s robots wander through a variety of locales — in and around the company’s single-storey headquarte­rs, a New Hampshire ski lodge and across the secluded meadows and woodlands near Raibert’s home. In some videos, humans kick the robots or jab them with hockey sticks to test their balance.

Michael Cheponis, who worked with Raibert at CMU’s pioneering robot laboratory in the 1980s, calls his former colleague an “American hero” for sticking with a vision that could prove useful to the world. “Marc doesn’t have the slightest Dr. Evil in him,” Cheponis said.

The defence contracts began winding down in 2013 when Google bought Boston Dynamics and made clear it wanted no part in defence work. Andy Rubin, then Google’s chief robotics executive and architect of the acquisitio­n, swept into the firm’s lunchroom to give a pep talk to employees in December 2013.

Attendees later said they felt a sense of relief and cautious optimism. “He was talking about really ambitious goals,” said one former employee, who asked not to be identified because of concerns it could hurt career opportunit­ies in the small and tightknit U.S. robotics community. “A robot that might be able to help the elderly and infirm. Robots that work in grocery stores. Robots that deliver packages.”

But the Google honeymoon soon soured. Rubin left the company the following year and his replacemen­ts overseeing Boston Dynamics grew increasing­ly frustrated with Raibert’s approach, according to several people familiar with the transition. Among the concerns: Boston Dynamics’ lack of focus on building a sellable product.

Google also grew concerned that “negative threads” on social media about the firm’s “terrifying” robot videos could hurt its image, according to leaked emails from its public relations division obtained by Bloomberg in 2016.

Inside the company, the idea that its robots could be turned into weapons occasional­ly inspired casual workplace chatter, chuckles or discomfort, several former employees said. But few took it seriously.

“They’re definitely aware that people are frightened by them,” said Andrew String, a former Boston Dynamics engineer. “The company regularly gets hate mail and other weird stuff.” But he said Raibert never felt a need to explain himself, and instead wanted the technology to speak for itself.

By 2016, Google was looking to sell the firm — eventually finding an interested buyer in Japanese tech giant SoftBank, which already has a robotics portfolio that includes the cute humanoid Pepper. The deal closed earlier this year.

Raibert credited Google for pushing the firm to perform the “best work we ever did,” but said under SoftBank his team is acting as a “standalone company” again.

 ?? CHARLES KRUPA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? A Boston Dynamics SpotMini robot walks through a conference room during a robotics summit in Boston.
CHARLES KRUPA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO A Boston Dynamics SpotMini robot walks through a conference room during a robotics summit in Boston.

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