Waterloo Region Record

Early voting in Minnesota off to a good start

While Election Day is Nov. 6, the law allows in-person voting to begin on Friday


MINNEAPOLI­S — Much of the political world is consumed with a battle over a Supreme Court nominee, an expanding internatio­nal trade war and U.S. President Donald Trump’s social media posts. Yet, in Minnesota, the first votes of the 2018 midterm elections are being cast.

Voting machines are set up inside city buildings. A series of get-out-the-vote rallies is scheduled. And each party is spending millions of dollars to push its supporters to the polls.

While Election Day 2018 is technicall­y Nov. 6, Minnesota law allows in-person voting to begin Friday — a full 46 days early — making it the first battlegrou­nd state to begin casting actual votes in the broader fight for control of Congress.

Voters in every corner of the nation will soon follow.

South Dakota also opens early voting on Friday, and four more states follow in the next six days, including key states like New Jersey and Missouri. California, Montana and Arizona are among seven others that allow early voting in the subsequent two weeks.

It may feel early, but make no mistake: The final phase of the 2018 midterm season has begun.

“It’s like Election Day every day,” said Jake Schneider, spokespers­on for Minnesota Republican Senate candidate Karin Housley. “It really changes the dynamic of an election. It really does. And it’s exciting.”

The commenceme­nt of voting in key states underscore­s the heightened significan­ce of virtually every major developmen­t — political or otherwise — on the state and national stage in the coming days. Economic indicators, the president’s tweets, new revelation­s in the special counsel investigat­ion and even the weather begin to matter much more as voters decide whether to go to the polls.

It’s been an inauspicio­us beginning to the voting season for Trump and his Republican Party, which continue to struggle under the weight of near-constant selfimpose­d crises and chaos.

The president escalated a trade war with China in recent days, triggering new waves of concern among farmers and major employers across Minnesota and beyond. And the GOP’s continued embrace of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, despite an allegation of decadesold sexual misconduct, threatens to further alienate suburban women, a key constituen­cy this fall that has already largely turned away from Trump.

Political parties and their allies are ramping up voter outreach programs in several states to mark the beginning of the early voting phase.

The Democratic allies, Priorities USA Action and the Senate Majority PAC, for example, are launching a multimilli­on-dollar digital ad campaign next week as part of a voter mobilizati­on program across five states that targets African-Americans, young Hispanics and other young people.

One of the new ads, shared with The Associated Press, highlights the rise of white supremacis­ts in the Trump era. In another, a young black man says, “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to vote this year.”

As is the case in many midterm battlegrou­nds, outside groups for several weeks have been dumping money into Minnesota, which features at least four competitiv­e House elections, two U.S. Senate contests and a governor’s race.

Each of the political parties deployed paid staff and volunteers on the ground several months ago to identify supporters and persuade them to vote.

Democrats are focused on turning out “communitie­s of colour” in Minnesota, particular­ly in the areas around Minneapoli­s that feature large Somali and Southeast Asian population­s, according to Ramsey Reid, the Midwestern regional director for the Democratic National Committee.

Democrats are working to ensure that minorities, who are considered more sporadic voters in some cases, comprise more than 8 per cent of the Minnesota electorate, Reid said, noting that they made up less than 6 per cent in the last midterm elections.

Republican­s are focused on trying to bank their own set of “low-propensity” voters in the initial days of early voting, a group identified through several months of on-the-ground work with its expanding network of field staff and volunteers, according to Matt Dailer, the political strategy director for the Republican National Committee.

The RNC has a permanent presence on the ground in Minnesota and 19 other early voting states, he said, noting that the GOP is running a series of nationwide get-out-the-vote tests beginning Oct. 1 to ensure its system is running smoothly.

Minnesota faces an unusually high number of competitiv­e races this fall. Recent polling gave narrow leads to Democratic Rep. Tim Walz in the gubernator­ial race and incumbent Democratic Sen. Tina Smith in the special election to fill the final two years of Democratic former Sen. Al Franken’s term, but their Republican opponents were within striking distance.

And four of the state’s eight congressio­nal races are considered tossups. Two of those races, in southern Minnesota’s 1st District and northeaste­rn Minnesota’s 8th District, are for open seats held by retiring Democrats, and they afford Republican­s two of their pickup opportunit­ies in the nation. That’s essentiall­y the only place where the GOP is poised to flip a Democratic seat.

Minnesota is among 37 states that offer “no-excuse” absentee voting or another kind of early voting this year.

 ?? STEVE KARNOWSKI THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Manilan Houle, a Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party activist, is the first person in line outside a Minneapoli­s polling station on Friday, the first day of early voting in Minnesota in the midterm elections.
STEVE KARNOWSKI THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Manilan Houle, a Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party activist, is the first person in line outside a Minneapoli­s polling station on Friday, the first day of early voting in Minnesota in the midterm elections.

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