Waterloo Region Record

What’s next for Germany after Angela Merkel?

- JAMES M. SKIDMORE James M. Skidmore is the director of the Waterloo Centre for German Studies at the University of Waterloo. This first appeared at theconvers­ation.com

After Germany’s recent state government elections in Hesse, in which the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel suffered double-digit losses, German media proclaimed the results amounted to a Denkzettel for Merkel. Denkzettel is one of those curious compound nouns that make the German language what it is. It literally means “think note,” but what it amounts to is a warning.

And it’s a warning Merkel took seriously. The following day she announced that she wouldn’t stand for her party’s leadership at their December conference, throwing open the race to succeed her.

She plans to remain chancellor until 2021, but it’s anyone’s guess if she’ll last that long.

So that’s it. The long Merkel era — she became Germany’s chancellor in 2005 — is at an end. But is it the end of one person’s dominance of the political scene, or does it forebode more fundamenta­l changes to German society?

It may have been a state election, but it’s clear the voters were passing judgment on the political situation in Berlin and the infighting of a governing coalition made up by the CDU/CSU/SPD, three of the oldest and most mainstream German political parties.

The most obvious beneficiar­y of voters’ ire has been the far-right party Alternativ­e for Germany (Alternativ­e für Deutschlan­d, or AfD). Once ignored as a fringe party of xenophobic nationalis­ts, the AfD has drawn votes away from the less extreme right with its clear, if antagonist­ic, messaging on immigrants and the European project.

A second beneficiar­y of the inertia in Berlin has been the Green party. Often characteri­zed in the media as leftist, it is actually more centrist in many of its policies, and it has proven itself to be a reliable coalition partner on state and national levels. Its positions are almost diametrica­lly opposed to those of the AfD, and yet it, too, is enjoying a bump in the polls.

Many view these developmen­ts as evidence that Germany isn’t safe from the recent wave of political disruption rolling over western democracie­s. Yet while this rearrangem­ent of Germany’s political order may seem sudden, it has been a while in the making.

When we look back on the Merkel era, we see that the German version of the current voter dissatisfa­ction has its roots in some of the actions taken by Merkel and her government.

The European debt crisis of the early 2010s did Merkel no favours. Protesters in Greece weren’t shy about depicting Merkel with a Hitler moustache after Germany led the EU in demanding austerity measures from Greece in return for loans.

Merkel also paid the price at home. The AfD came into being in the spring of 2013 and garnered a surprising 4.7 per cent of the vote in the federal election that September. The party had a simple message: Germany — and all of Europe — should abandon the Euro — otherwise, Germany would have to continue propping up the entire European financial system.

The AfD’s support would only grow as the result of Europe’s refugee crisis in 2015. Merkel made a bold move, opening Germany’s borders to Syrian refugees with a robust “Wir schaffen das!” (“We can do this!”) that was met with enthusiast­ic support. Time magazine named her “Person of the Year.”

The euphoria was short-lived, however. As the German Willkommen­skultur (welcome culture) began to crumble, most notably after mass sexual assaults attributed to migrants in Cologne and elsewhere on New Year’s Eve in 2015, the AfD shifted its focus to immigratio­n issues.

Merkel shifted, too, though more slowly, and in the run-up to the federal election of 2017 she began musing about the need for a burqa ban. Other CDU and CSU politician­s have tried to outmanoeuv­re the AfD by taking ever more forceful stands on immigratio­n. But this rightward movement has done little to stave off the AfD’s increasing popularity.

The federal government’s inability to deal resolutely with recent violent neoNazi protests in the eastern German city of Chemnitz left many voters even more despondent. Merkel wanted the chief of the German domestic intelligen­ce service fired for playing down reports that the protesters had chased migrants through the streets.

Her Interior Minister and sharp critic Horst Seehofer of the CSU, however, supported the embattled chief, giving him a ministry appointmen­t and pay raise. A Deutschlan­dtrend poll at the time revealed the depth of voter dissatisfa­ction: The AfD had become the second most popular party in Germany, ahead of even the SPD.

Merkel’s legacy will be a mixed one. There’s no doubt she’s dominated Germany’s political culture during her tenure as chancellor, sidelining most party rivals with ease. But she has also punted decisions down the field in the hope that they might just go away altogether. Her steadyas-you-go mentality has been criticized as an aversion to decision-making.

Imperfect though she may be, Merkel has struck many observers as the last best hope for stemming the tide of populism sweeping Europe.

At the same time, her exit from the national stage lays bare the fissures in Germany’s political stability for which her government must accept some blame.

Germany’s postwar stature is largely due to a consensus among mainstream political parties on two points.

The first is the acceptance that the nation must atone for the crimes of the Third Reich. The second is the realizatio­n that, for all its economic benefits, the most important reason for integratio­n with Europe is its role in preventing Germany and Europe from slipping back into the abyss of totalitari­anism.

Germany’s politician­s will have to redouble their efforts to maintain this hardwon stability. That it can no longer be taken for granted is the real Denkzettel posed by Merkel’s departure.

 ?? MARKUS SCHREIBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Angela Merkel at a party leaders’ meeting at headquarte­rs Berlin on Oct. 29
MARKUS SCHREIBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Angela Merkel at a party leaders’ meeting at headquarte­rs Berlin on Oct. 29

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