Waterloo Region Record

Do-it-yourself cannabis gummies kits; just add legal oil


Canadian consumers don’t have to wait until mid-December to legally consume some cannabis-infused gummies — if they’re willing to make some themselves.

For those who may be wary or intimidate­d by cannabis cooking, Victoria-based company Paracanna has developed a do-ityourself kit to which consumers can add drops of legally procured oil to create gummies in flavours such as “punchy pink grapefruit.”

The kits, called Zen Zingers, allow people to control the cannabinoi­d dosage and make gummies at a lower price at home in about 10 minutes, said Paracanna CEO Andrea Butterwort­h.

Paracanna’s product does not contain any cannabis and, therefore, is not subject to Health Canada’s new edibles regulation­s. Still, the company did not want the packaging or the resulting gummies to appeal to children, said Butterwort­h.

The moulds in the kit produce halfsphere shaped gummies, and the box itself is modelled after tea packaging.

“No animals, no characters, no creating juicy explosions and things that are typically seen in kids’ candy. We really tried to stay away from that,” she said.

Paracanna also recommends to “start low and go slow” with cannabinoi­d content — the active ingredient­s derived from cannabis such as THC — in its dosing guidelines. It recommends four, five or 10 milligram edibles.

However, consumers will make the ultimate decision on the potency they require.

For example, Butterwort­h cites a friend who uses medical cannabis and whose experience helped to spark the idea for Paracanna. This friend grapples with an undiagnosa­ble condition that results in daily migraines, and rather than taking the prednisone prescribed by doctors, he uses cannabis at relatively high doses, she said.

“We don’t want anyone to go out and take a really high dose and hurt themselves, or put themselves in harm’s way,” said Butterwort­h. “But there are certain people who will inevitably use the kits to access what’s required for their conditions.”

The company was incorporat­ed in November 2017, and its kits are on sale in more than 300 stores, largely head shops, dispensari­es and some smaller, local grocery stores, she said.

 ??  ?? Cannabis kits , called Zen Zingers, allow people to control the cannabinoi­d dosage and make gummies at a lower price at home in about 10 minutes.
Cannabis kits , called Zen Zingers, allow people to control the cannabinoi­d dosage and make gummies at a lower price at home in about 10 minutes.

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