Waterloo Region Record


- JACQUELINE BIGAR www.jacqueline­bigar.com


This year, you mix your strong precision and attention to detail with manifestin­g a long-term, emotional goal. You often juggle your feelings with moments of intellectu­alism. If single, you create much more of what you want in a relationsh­ip. You will meet this person sometime after the fall. Take your time building this bond. If attached, your sweetie finds you warmer than in the recent past. Home becomes an important concern, with the possibilit­y of a new addition. You might opt to remodel or move. A CANCER supports you with these changes.


You might have an active day, but your mind keeps returning to a domestic matter. The solutions presented so far seem limiting. Tap into your creativity. Even if an idea seems impossible, try it out. Tonight: Relax to a movie.


What you say can make a difference. You can even chill in the status quo. However, you are also capable of shaking up the status quo. Present your perspectiv­e with some originalit­y. Let go of rigid thinking. Tonight: Play out a long-term wish.


You possess a great deal of energy and positive vibrations. You might want to spend more time with a friend who you have not visited for a long period. What better way than setting a goal? Tonight: Make it your treat.


Your emotional nature tends to impact not only you, but also those around you. You inadverten­tly create a rollercoas­ter ride for others. Someone might pull away as a result. This person is waiting for calmer waters. Tonight: Off exercising.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

Complete a project despite the fact that you might want to pursue another pastime. You will need to be somewhat isolated to finish what you are doing. Your gregarious nature will emerge and you’ll be far more upbeat once you complete your obligation. Tonight: All smiles.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

Zero in on a topic of importance. Use timing and you will get a better result. Neverthele­ss, a realizatio­n could toss you off-track — at least for a while. Absorb the informatio­n and its implicatio­ns. Tonight: Call a good friend.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

You might feel unusually tense but not know exactly why. You are carrying a lot of responsibi­lities and cannot seem to get a spare moment. A conversati­on with a family member is difficult. Tonight: Choose a favourite escape or pastime.


Your intensity emerges in an unusual circumstan­ce and cannot seem to get a response. Someone might pull away from you rather than have a conversati­on. At this point, give this person the space he or she seems to require. Tonight: Hang out.


Apartner zeroes in on what he or she wants. You might try a discussion, but that does not work. As a result, you might feel the need to take a stronger hand in certain areas. Know that resentment could build. Tonight: Let the other person initiate a chat.


You might be more withdrawn than you realize. Ask for more in your life with the full expectatio­n of receiving it. Afriend lets you know how sad he or she feels. Remain empathetic, but know that you cannot inject yourself into this person’s situation. Tonight: Listening to live music, if possible.


You have a lot to do but cannot get past the present issue. As a result, you create pressure in your life. Look for ways around this present issue. Can you delegate some tasks? Can you postpone a meeting? Tonight: Pace yourself.


You flow where others do not have the time or volition to get through a problem. Sometimes, you find that not worrying and doing your thing in this type of situation is best. Tonight: Accept a last-minute invitation.

BORN TODAY: Mother Teresa (1910), actor Macaulay Culkin (1980), actor Mike Colter (1976)

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