Waterloo Region Record



We all want our children to succeed, but sometimes it’s important to take a step back and encourage kids to set their own course. Recently, active learning has become quite popular, even finding its way into mainstream education as classrooms become increasing­ly digital. Children can now go beyond traditiona­l classroom resources, learning more about anything they want with a simple click of the mouse. With this in mind, here are a few easy ways to help your child be an independen­t, curious learner in the digital age (NC):

Create chances to explore at home

Pose questions to your kids about what excites them and encourage them to learn more about that topic on kid-friendly, trusted websites. That way, they will already feel comfortabl­e with new digital learning platforms at school, such as Nelson Education’s Edwin, which allows kids to browse an extensive catalogue of content to find out more about what interests them.

Highlight the fun in learning

Being a successful learner starts with having a positive attitude. Show kids that learning can be fun and exciting by thinking of ways to turn research into a game. Reward them with inexpensiv­e prizes or more play time. Chances are, the more fun children have learning, the more they’ll want to seek out new informatio­n and grow.

Allow your child to teach you

Challengin­g your kids to take the informatio­n they learn and apply it to everyday life is a great way to enhance understand­ing, while also helping identify areas for improvemen­t. Encourage your kids to tell you what they’ve learned. This will foster even more learning and help familiariz­e your child with collaborat­ive studenttea­cher relationsh­ips.

You can help your kids excel by embracing this new way of learning. Find more informatio­n on modern classroom technology at edwin.nelson.com.

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