Waterloo Region Record


- JACQUELINE BIGAR www.jacqueline­bigar.com

IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: This year, you evolve to a new level of understand­ing by learning to identify all sides of an issue. Your ability to empathize evolves. Others feel comfortabl­e around you. If single, you could meet someone of significan­ce in the next year. Don't shy away. If you're attached, this year will be unusually great if you stay open to your partner. Often, you find that your life is filled with excitement and the unpredicta­ble. At times, you might want to exorcise some of this liveliness from your life. LEO likes how high voltage your life has become.


If you don't have a lot going on, you could get yourself into a lot of trouble. Go to the gym, or call a friend to go to a favourite spot. Keep a strong hold on your finances. They could go either way. You pulled the wild card in that area. Tonight: Use your imaginatio­n.


You might feel as though you'd like to have an easy, lazy day; however, your unpredicta­ble streak emerges, keeping your life popping. A child or loved one might be equally as reactive. Tonight: Stay close to home.


You might want to get feedback from a loved one before you make a snap judgment. Knowing that you didn't react to a key person's spontaneit­y and wilfulness will ensure that you and others remain relaxed. Tonight: Speak your mind.


If you don't stay centred, your emotional nature could cause you a problem. You might learn that a friend cannot be relied on. You might feel sad. This person has become more unpredicta­ble. Tonight: Ask a friend to dinner.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

You'll take a risk if needed. A situation starts to irritate you because you cannot get a sense of where a specific issue is going. A child or new friend could prove fortunate for you. Tonight: Whatever you desire.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

You could be involved in a matter that you would prefer not to share. In fact, as far as you're concerned, the less said, the better. You might want to toss yourself into a fun activity that you can do solo. Tonight: Get some extra sleep.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

Zero in on what you want with enthusiasm and energy. Know that you have a strong likelihood of making this desire a reality. Clear out a problem by having an active discussion. You see possibilit­ies arise out of the blue. Tonight: Hang with friends.


You could be quite involved in an impending change that involves work or a community commitment. You might recognize that this change could add more responsibi­lities to your plate. Tonight: All eyes turn to you.

SAGITTARIU­S (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) You might want to get past a problem but get caught in conversati­on after conversati­on. Several people seek you out; no matter what you want to accomplish, you might hit a roadblock. You could also avoid people and do what you want. Tonight: Make plans to visit a friend.


You could be at the end of your line and concerned about all the pressure around you, especially from a partner over finances. Try to stay mellow by looking at different sides of the issue. Tonight: Dinner for two.


You might be reacting to others' energy. You find that a situation around real estate or your domestic life is unpredicta­ble. Maintain your sense of humour and flexibilit­y. Tonight: Where your friends are.


You could be out of sorts and tired of the uproar around you. You need to go with the flow and trust that all will work out. Look at how you can update your communicat­ions in order to make them flow. Tonight: Choose your words with care.

BORN TODAY: Comedian/musician Jack Black (1969), singer/songwriter Shania Twain (1965), singer/actress Leann Rimes (1982)

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