Waterloo Region Record

Ford getting tested for COVID-19

Minister in contact with infected person


TORONTO—Premier Doug Ford got tested Wednesday for COVID-19, a day after his education minister came into contact with someone who was infected — despite the minister’s test coming back negative.

Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott held a joint news conference Tuesday with Stephen Lecce to announce a child-care reopening plan, and Lecce’s office said he was notified the same day that he had come into contact with someone with COVID-19, so he got tested.

As a result, Ford and Elliott cancelled their usual daily news conference and the premier’s office said they were monitoring themselves for symptoms and getting tested while awaiting Lecce’s results.

Not long after the colleges and universiti­es minister began a solo appearance at the daily briefing, Lecce’s office said his test result came back negative.

Ford spokespers­on Ivana Yelich said Ford still got tested for COVID-19 “out of an abundance of caution.”

Public health officials have not recommende­d getting a COVID-19 test immediatel­y after possible exposure.

“If you are worried about possible exposure to a person with or under investigat­ion for COVID-19, based on evidence and the incubation period of the virus, we suggest individual­s get tested four to eight days after potential exposure,” Toronto’s Michael Garron Hospital writes on its website.

Neither the premier’s office nor a spokeswoma­n for Lecce would say how he came into contact with a positive case, or why his possible exposure wasn’t made public sooner.

The premier’s office would also not confirm if Ford was in self-isolation while awaiting Lecce’s test results.

His nephew, city councillor Michael Ford, recently tested positive for COVID-19, but the premier hadn’t seen his nephew in more than two weeks, a spokeswoma­n said.

Colleges and Universiti­es Minister Ross Romano took to the podium alone Wednesday to announce that limited inperson education and training could start on post-secondary campuses starting in July.

The summer session will be for students “in areas of high labour market demand” — such as nursing, personal support worker, welding and engineerin­g — who need to complete a lab or practicum course component to graduate.

There will be strict limits on the number of students per campus, the government said.

Ontario reported 251 new COVID-19 cases Wednesday, and 11 more deaths.

That brings the province to a total of 31,341 cases, including 2,475 deaths and 25,380 resolved cases — 551 more than the previous day.

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