Waterloo Region Record

Fare thee well, poor pandemic Parliament


Well, it was good while it lasted. The rare spirit of “Team Canada” solidarity between the government and opposition parties has been deteriorat­ing for some time, but on Wednesday it breathed its last. That much was obvious in a Parliament­ary sitting that lasted all of 12 minutes and ended with no opposition party being willing to support the federal government’s latest pandemic relief legislatio­n.

And so the legislatio­n, which included some new flexibilit­y in pandemic benefits for seasonal workers and people with disabiliti­es, as well as measures to crack down on fraudulent Canada Emergency Response Benefit applicants, is going nowhere. This strange session of Parliament is over, and the new session won’t begin until September.

The opposition parties had different reasons for refusing to support the legislatio­n. The New Democrats said they were opposed because the CERB fraud measures would disproport­ionately target poor and marginaliz­ed Canadians. The Conservati­ves have been complainin­g loud and long about fraudulent abuse of the CERB, also refused to support measures that would have addressed that. What is the rationale for not supporting legislatio­n that you have been calling for? It seems they are still in a snit about the government not acquiescin­g to their demands for a full return to Parliament, so just decided to head home for the summer.

What will the next Parliament look like? Notwithsta­nding Conservati­ve concerns about the death of democracy, this pandemic version of the government worked reasonably well. But clearly it can’t be in place indefinite­ly. At some point, a return to more traditiona­l parliament­ary oversight will be needed. And then we will be treated once again to the hyperparti­san, shallow, talking points over substance model we all know and — well, don’t love. Who really misses the Question Period bear pit where many participan­ts behave worse than unruly children?

Come to think of it, pandemic virtual Parliament wasn’t all that bad, was it?

And now, the latest twist on our bizarre pandemic journey: Reports about who is getting infected with COVID-19 are revealing that 20-somethings, more so than older Ontarians, are testing positive.

The problem is, we don’t really know why. Is it because they’ve been gathering in thousand-strong protest marches, with little regard for distancing? Is it because of their youthful feeling of invincibil­ity, aided by the knowledge that for most young people, COVID-19 is nasty but not fatal? Or because more of them live in communal living situations, as in with roommates?

Other possibilit­ies, such as young workers being more likely to work on large constructi­on sites, have also been raised. And it could simply be that with testing more readily available, more younger people are getting tested. And more testing is bound to mean more reported cases.

Who knows? But we do need to find out, and that is why health authoritie­s are on the case hoping to solve the riddle of the 20-something pandemic spike.

For what it’s worth, we choose not to believe the spike is the result of some indifferen­ce or arrogance on the part of younger Ontarians. That would mean they don’t care about the fact that the risk to themselves is only part of the equation, and since they probably won’t get seriously ill, only a small part at that. But what about the people they come in contact after they disregard distancing? What about their parents and older relatives? No, whatever is happening cannot be because they don’t care about others. That would be a serious disappoint­ment.

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