Waterloo Region Record

Pelosi wants Confederat­e symbols removed

Monuments in Capitol should ‘express who we are,’ U.S. Speaker says


WASHINGTON—House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that it’s time to remove symbols honouring Confederat­e figures from the U.S. Capitol building and military bases as the pandemic and racial unrest force a national reckoning with racial discrimina­tion. “These names have to go from these bases and these statues have to go from the Capitol,“Pelosi said at her weekly news conference. “The American people know these names have to go.” Confederat­e monuments have re-emerged as a national flashpoint since the death of George Floyd, a Black man who died after a white Minneapoli­s officer pressed his knee into his neck for several minutes. Protesters decrying racism have targeted Confederat­e monuments in multiple cities, and some state officials are considerin­g taking them down. President Donald Trump doubled down Thursday on his vow to not rename military bases honouring Confederat­e generals. “Seriously failed presidenti­al candidate, Sen. Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren, just introduced an Amendment on the renaming of many of our legendary Military Bases from which we trained to WIN two World Wars. Hopefully our great Republican Senators won’t fall for this!” Trump said in a Twitter blast.

But Republican­s in the Senate, who are at risk of losing their majority in the November elections, aren’t with Trump on this issue. A GOP-led Senate panel on Thursday approved a plan by Warren to have the names of Confederat­e figures removed from military bases and other Pentagon assets. The ban would be imposed within three years and was approved by a voice vote as a piece of the annual Pentagon policy bill. A commission would be set up to oversee the process. The provision is likely to be matched when the Democratic-controlled House takes up the measure in coming weeks.

Confederat­e symbols that remain both in the military and on Capitol Hill are coming under attack as public opinion has dramatical­ly shifted since Floyd’s killing. “The statues in the Capitol should embody our highest ideals as Americans, expressing who we are and who we aspire to be as a nation,” Pelosi wrote earlier. “Monuments to men who advocated cruelty and barbarism to achieve such a plainly racist end are a grotesque affront to these ideals.” At her press conference, she said of Trump: “He seems to be the only person left who doesn’t get it.”

The presence of statues of generals and other figures of the Confederac­y in Capitol locations such as Statuary Hall — the original House chamber — has been denounced by African-American lawmakers for many years.

Former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. was known to give tours pointing out the numerous statues. But it’s up to the states to determine which of their historical figures to display.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the appropriat­e way to handle the statues controvers­y would be to continue the trend of states replacing them on their own. “They can trade them out at any time ... a number of states are trading them out now,“he said. “I think that’s the appropriat­e way to deal with the statue issue. The states make that decision.”

 ?? PARKER MICHELS-BOYCE AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? A statue of Confederat­e president Jefferson Davis lies on the street after protesters pulled it down in Richmond, Va., on Wednesday night.
PARKER MICHELS-BOYCE AFP/GETTY IMAGES A statue of Confederat­e president Jefferson Davis lies on the street after protesters pulled it down in Richmond, Va., on Wednesday night.

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