Waterloo Region Record

Groups want mandatory COVID shots for health-care workers

‘No one should be forced to do anything,’ says Premier Ford


TORONTO — Two groups representi­ng Ontario’s physicians and registered nurses are calling for the mandatory COVID-19 vaccinatio­n of the province’s health-care workers, a policy Premier Doug Ford has said he will not support.

The Ontario Medical Associatio­n and the Registered Nurses’ Associatio­n of Ontario made the calls on Friday, the day after Ford said he wouldn’t mandate the vaccine for workers in any industry.

“Vaccines are the best way to control the spread of COVID-19, and remain an essential component in protecting our patients, families and friends,” OMA president Dr. Adam Kassam said in a statement.

“As a front-line doctor who is fully vaccinated, I am proud to stand with my physician colleagues who continue to advocate for full vaccinatio­n of all those eligible.”

The physicians’ group cited a recent survey of its members that found 98 per cent of respondent­s had already received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

While the OMA did not reference Ford in its statement, the nurses’ associatio­n said the premier was “on the wrong side of science” with his position on the issue of mandatory shots.

“Nurses stand with science and for patients,” the group said on Twitter. “This is why we call for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinatio­n.”

Ford, who has personally been fully vaccinated, said on Thursday that he encourages people to get both COVID-19 doses but thinks they should have the right to refuse the shots.

“I think it’s our constituti­onal right to take it or not take it,” he said when asked if he would make the vaccine mandatory for health-care workers.

“I’ve been out here for months, begging, pleading (for) everyone to get it, but no one should be forced to do anything.”

He has also rejected the idea of an Ontario “vaccine passport” that would give people access to certain services, saying it would be up to employers to develop their own vaccinatio­n policies.

The government has said people can present their receipt from their shots to businesses or other settings that ask for it.

Seventy-nine per cent of adults in Ontario had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine as of Friday and 60 per cent were fully vaccinated.

The provincial government has recently introduced stricter COVID-19 vaccinatio­n rules for workers in long-term-care homes, but the policy stops short of requiring that workers take the shot.

Ontario long-term-care homes saw widespread outbreaks and deaths from COVID-19 during the first year of the pandemic. The situation has improved as the vast majority of residents have been vaccinated against the virus, but outbreaks have persisted mainly among staff, whose immunizati­on rates have lagged.

The province has now made it mandatory for long-term-care staff to disclose their COVID-19 vaccinatio­n status. Workers who don’t take the vaccine for non-medical reasons must take mandatory education about the importance of immunizati­on.

As of this week the government reported 93 per cent of long-term care staff had received at least one dose and 87 per cent were fully vaccinated.

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