Waterloo Region Record

Harsh criticism for plan to evict encampment of homeless


The Region’s plan to evict people living in tents at 100 Victoria St. N. was swiftly condemned by many Waterloo Region residents on social media.

Reaction was widespread, with many people questionin­g where people were supposed to go, suggesting the region wants to evict because housed residents are uncomforta­ble, and saying that kicking people out will only cause more harm.

The region said Thursday it is assessing the site every day and that the risk level is high due to assaults and other issues. The region attributes that to the number of people living there, which has grown to more than 50 with about 70 tents.

Jessica Carbone said in an interview that any violence that’s happening will still happen if people are moved, except that it will be invisible and leave people more vulnerable.

“All that violence, it still happens whether or not it’s in a place where they can get help that’s public,” Carbone said. “It doesn’t make these issues go away and it’s a safety thing for everybody.”

Camp residents now have 24hour access to running water and washrooms at St. John’s Kitchen across the street in an arrangemen­t set up by the region. That’s a rarity for the more than 400 people estimated to be living rough in Waterloo Region.

Carbone was once homeless herself and said her heart breaks at the idea of people being evicted from the site, which is owned by the region.

“They’re giving these people the most basic of needs and then taking them away, it’s more trauma,” Carbone said. “It’s just ridiculous.”

James Howe said the region needs to do better.

“Where will these people live if evicted?” he said. “Eviction only moves the problem and hides it.

“It is not a solution. The region needs to provide a solution that meets people’s basic needs.”

On Thursday, fencing was put up at the region-owned transit hub site at King and Victoria streets in an attempt to prevent the encampment from spreading to other regional properties.

Region of Waterloo Coun. Elizabeth Clarke said she understand­s evicting people means most will move somewhere else but said she fears that if people stay, there will be a critical incident.

“And when I talk about being frightened it’s not just the people in the encampment that are frightened, it’s people in the surroundin­g area that are frightened and asking for support,” she said.

Samantha Estoesta and her daughter live about 550 metres from the camp.

“We have zero fears for our safety,” she said. “Our only fear is that the residents will be removed in an armed exodus led by police.”

Estoesta said neighbours contribute to a community pantry that empties as quickly as it fills up.

Many residents at the site are devastated by the region’s plans.

“We’ve heard from the outreach team ... that people were very upset, very frustrated, anxious about where they were going to go,” Clarke said.

“They like the location where they are because they have access to so many different services and supports.”

Regan Brusse, a member of the Alliance Against Poverty, said the region should be finding options to help rather than just kicking people out.

“Removing the location as opposed to providing options to accommodat­e the overflow elsewhere at similar level of ‘decency,’ albeit not at all of an adequate nor humane level, does little more than add further to the cycle of trauma being forced upon these vulnerable people,” she said.

Clarke said she understand­s moving people doesn’t help anyone, but letting people stay doesn’t work either.

“It’s a terrible result no matter what happens,” she said.

Since Thursday 10 people have been offered shelter beds. All have refused.

Many people don’t like to stay at shelters for many reasons including proximity to drug use, theft, not being able to stay as couples, pets and violence.

At the end of June, two emergency shelters will close at St. Andrew’s Church and the YW. Up to 100 people sleep at those two sites.

Clarke said that isn’t the region’s fault — the church needs space for summer programmin­g and staff at YW were on short-term contracts.

As for moving folks to another site and providing services there Clarke said it would be up to a city or township to offer up space and be willing to suspend their own bylaws. She said the region can’t impose a camp on any of the municipali­ties but would provide services.

“If the area municipali­ties decided that they would welcome an encampment then the region would provide through the means that we currently do, the same kind of outreach supports to the people that we do in our current encampment­s,” Clarke said.

 ?? CHRIS SETO WATERLOO REGION RECORD FILE PHOTO ?? The region plans to evict people from the encampment at Victoria Street, but critics question where residents at the site will go, noting there are nearby services that are valuable to the people who live there.
CHRIS SETO WATERLOO REGION RECORD FILE PHOTO The region plans to evict people from the encampment at Victoria Street, but critics question where residents at the site will go, noting there are nearby services that are valuable to the people who live there.

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