Waterloo Region Record

Trudeau joins march marking first anniversar­y of deadly attack

PM says people should not ignore the reality of systemic racism


LONDON, ONT. Relatives, community members and dignitarie­s called for an end to racism and Islamophob­ia on Sunday during an emotional tribute marking the oneyear anniversar­y of a deadly attack on a Muslim family in London, Ont.

Leaders from the Muslim community and friends of the victims called on all levels of government for action to address Islamophob­ia.

Salman Afzaal, 46, his wife, Madiha Salman, 44, their 15-year-old daughter, Yumnah, and her 74year-old grandmothe­r, Talat Afzaal, died after police say they were deliberate­ly hit by a truck during an evening walk in London on June 6, 2021. The family’s nine-year-old boy was hurt, but survived.

Esa Islam, a cousin of the Afzaal family, said the attack has left a gaping wound in his heart. “Last year, I would never be able to understand how all it took was one act of hatred to change my entire life,” he said.

Islam made his remarks before hundreds of mourners who gathered at the football field of the high school his cousin Yumnah attended before her death.

He singled out Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government for not committing to pass a law to fight Islamophob­ia and other forms of hate in the province.

A bill tabled by the NDP earlier this year — called the Our London Family Act — would have establishe­d a provincial review of hate crimes and hate-motivated incidents in Ontario.

The bill, which would also have designated safe zones around houses of worship, prevented white supremacis­t groups from registerin­g as societies and establishe­d an antiracism council that would provide input on government policies, was defeated shortly after being introduced.

While Ford didn’t attend the event, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Transport Minister Omar Alghabra were among the attendees.

Trudeau said people should not ignore the reality that millions of Canadians are facing microaggre­ssion, discrimina­tion and systemic racism every day.

He said his government has taken action to address hate and racism in Canada, but there is more work to be done.

“On this day, that we grieve, we also come together in commitment and resolve to make sure that tomorrow and next year, and all the days in the future, are also better,” he said.

 ?? GEOFF ROBINS THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? A group of men pray during a ceremony and march for the Afzaal family in London, Ont., on Sunday. The march was to honour the Muslim family mowed down one year ago by a pickup truck driver while they took an evening walk.
GEOFF ROBINS THE CANADIAN PRESS A group of men pray during a ceremony and march for the Afzaal family in London, Ont., on Sunday. The march was to honour the Muslim family mowed down one year ago by a pickup truck driver while they took an evening walk.

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