Whistler Traveller Magazine

Hip Hop Hooray


When it comes to fine dining in Whistler, Araxi is hard to top. The high level of service, incredible food, wine selection, and the restaurant’s central location in Whistler Village have earned Araxi countless awards, many featuring the word “best.”

Araxi’s menu changes seasonally and features the best of the local products available; and this year’s winter menu features their carrot-stuffed saddle of rabbit; a dish served with fresh, LQ-kRXVH PDGH EXWWHUHG QRRGOHV, FDUURW SXUpH DQG PXVWDUG VDXFH. $UD[L’V UDEELWV DUH IDUPHG LQ WkH )UDVHU 9DOOHy, DQG WkH FDUURWV DUH VRXUFHG IURP QHDUEy 3HPEHUWRQ IDUPV. 7kRXJk QRWH WkDW DFFRPSDQLP­HQWV PDy YDUy VOLJkWOy.

Executive Chef James Walt says Araxi is like two different restaurant­s in the summer and winter. Their summer dishes tend to be lighter, often featuring fish or seafood with salad; while in the winter, Walt says people tend to eat heartier meals, especially after a day on the slopes. “The rabbit dish ZRXOG EH qXLWH ILOOLQJ, DQG WkH JDUQLVkHV…WkHy’UH ELJ IODYRXUV, so it’s sort of a warm-you-up dish,” says Chef Walt.

When your skiing day is done, visit Araxi and enjoy a warm, hearty dinner prepared by Chef Walt and his team. You’ll likely remember it as one of the “EHVW´ PHDOV RI yRXU WULS! $UD[L Restaurant + Bar (604) 932-4540.

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