Whistler Traveller Magazine

Elements Urban Tapas Parlour and : LOGwRRG BLVWUR & BaU


VRWHG BHVW BUHaNIaVW IRU 2012 Ey 3LTXH 1HwV PaJazLQH, ( OHPHQWV LV RQH RI WKH ORcaOOyown­ed breakfast treasures in Whistler Village. The eggs benedict, using free- run eggs are regarded as some of the finest in Whistler with variations featuring Haida Gwaii ( Queen CKaUORWWH , VOaQGV) DXQJHQHVV cUaE aQG VPRNHG GXcN VaXVaJH, WRSSHG wLWK LQQRYaWLYH KROOaQGaLV­H IOaYRXUV XVLQJ cLWUXV, DLMRQ, GLOO- caSHU RU SHVWR. 7KHLU XQLTXH EaNHG IULWWaWaV are available in many hearty combinatio­ns and all savoury breakfasts are accompanie­d with their VLJQaWXUH SRWaWR WaUWOHW wLWK cKLYH cUqPH IUaîcKH. ) URP WKH VaPH ORQJ WLPH ORcaOV WKaW RwQ aQG RSHUaWH ( OHPHQWV, WKH : LOGwRRG BLVWUR aQG BaU KaYH ORcaWLRQV LQ WKH : KLVWOHU 7HQQLV COXE aQG aW WKH HQG RI 0LOOaU CUHHN 5RaG LQ ) XQcWLRQ - XQcWLRQ. : LOGwRRG KaV a OaUJH VHOHcWLRQ RI “: LOG BHQQLHV,” WUaGLWLRQa­O breakfasts, and lite and healthful dishes. Crispy pan- fried Pemberton potatoes accompany most VaYRXUy GLVKHV, aQG WKHLU EaQaQa EUHaG ) UHQcK WRaVW VSHcLaOWy LV a PXVW- WUy. CaOO 604- 932- 5569 RU YLVLW www. wildwoodre­staurants. ca.

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