Windsor Star


Single-file rule irks cyclists.

- KELLY STEELE ksteele@windsorsta­ or 519-255-5763

F rom obscene gestures and phrases to nearly being run off the road by irate motorists, cyclists have seen it all. As one cyclist put it, every time he heads out on his bike, he hopes to make it back home in one piece.

For that reason, you will often see a group of cyclists on county roads riding two abreast. Most cyclists have discovered that when they ride in single file, motorists will not move over. Drivers come close to clipping them, then speed away, honking their horns and yelling.

But local police officers don’t agree. In fact, Amherstbur­g police have started taking a stand against groups who refuse to ride single file. Cyclists have been pulled over and warned that if they don’t ride single file, they will be ticketed.

Under the Highway Traffic Act, bicycles must travel in the right-hand lane or as close as practical to the right edge of the road, except when preparing to turn left or when passing another vehicle. The HTA makes no mention of prohibitin­g cyclists from riding two abreast.

Amherstbur­g is one of few communitie­s that has a bylaw to address cyclists. The town’s bylaw specifical­ly says “all persons operating a bicycle or ebike upon a roadway shall ride in single file.”

Amherstbur­g police Sgt. Jim Saxon admits cycling groups have been pulled over and reminded of the town’s bylaw. So far, no tickets have been issued. He said his concern is that the cyclists don’t want to move over for traffic, and someone is going to get killed.

Dan Scott, criminal lawyer and avid cyclist, said he supports the two-abreast formation when out on the roads. He points out, however, that under the Amherstbur­g bylaw, OPP can and will ticket riders.

But that doesn’t deter Scott. “It is dangerous to ride single file. By riding two abreast we are more visible. If you are riding single file, cars don’t see you as easily and they don’t go around us. We make a point of riding on roads where traffic is minimal and if we do ride on busy roads, we are only on them for short periods of time,” he said.

Cyclists may not always stop completely at stop signs, but as Scott explained, imagine a group of 30 riders, each stopping at an intersecti­on. Most motorists wouldn’t want to wait for everyone to cross.

“Honestly, we don’t ride to be idiots,” he said. “We really ride respectful­ly. In fact we are more respectful of cars than cars are of us.”

A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday morning, a group of eight cyclists was pulled over on a concession road in Amherstbur­g. One cyclist said the officer told the group they were “obstructin­g traffic” by riding two abreast.

The group was stunned; it was a Sunday morning and there was no traffic, which was the primary reason they chose that road.

Word is spreading like wildfire through the cycling community. Some groups aren’t riding in Amherstbur­g, to avoid being targeted by police, and others are falling into single-file formation as soon as they hit the town limits.

“Really, Amherstbur­g needs to be careful about the message they are sending to the cyclists,” said Tom Omstead, who, along with his wife Sue, helped organize Share the Road-Essex County, which promotes safe cycling.

“Cycling is one of the fastest growing areas in tourism. A lot of bike rides are being organized and especially in the Amherstbur­g area, where they are promoting the wine tours. Amherstbur­g does not want to become known as unfriendly to cyclists.”

Scott agrees. He said the town’s bylaw will have an effect on the community’s economic interests, especially the wine tours, which favour the group setting.

Tom said motorists and cyclists can share the road by simply being courteous. “If you are blocking traffic riding in a pack, then you need to get in single file. If a car can’t get by a group, that is really annoying.”

Sue said cyclists have to be smart when they ride and in a way that does not “arouse even the most aggressive driver.”

Cyclists don’t like motorists anymore than motorists like cyclists, but regardless, both must share the road. And don’t think for a minute that cyclists don’t realize they have created some of the problems. Some cyclists refuse to move over and let traffic pass, and others are often seen flying through red lights or stop signs.

Just don’t give drivers any reason to be angry, and use common sense when you’re on your bike, said Sue. “Cyclists just have to make sure they don’t block the road. Motorists and cyclists need to remember they are both sharing the road.”

The consensus with most cyclists is, bylaw or no bylaw, they will continue to ride two abreast to stay safe.

 ??  ??
 ?? NICK BRANCACCIO/THE Windsor Star ?? Cyclists Robb Lovell, left, Bob Lajoy, right, and Wayne Lessard, along with other county riders, will have to adjust to Amherstbur­g’s bylaw of single-file formation
within the town’s limits.
NICK BRANCACCIO/THE Windsor Star Cyclists Robb Lovell, left, Bob Lajoy, right, and Wayne Lessard, along with other county riders, will have to adjust to Amherstbur­g’s bylaw of single-file formation within the town’s limits.

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