Windsor Star

Carotid artery and stroke risk

Dilation signals cardio troubles

- PAUL G. DONOHUE, M. D. AND KEITH ROACH, M. D. Readers may write the doctors at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, Fla. 328536475. Readers also may order health newsletter­s from

Dear Doctors: I am 84 years old and have been diagnosed with a carotid artery bulb. It seems to be growing with time. I have had an ultrasound of the artery, and the only diagnosis is some calcificat­ion. I cannot get any answers as to the possible cause and long-term consequenc­es of having this enlarged artery in my neck area. Perhaps you can give me an answer. — J.P.

A “carotid artery bulb” isn’t a diagnosis; it’s the name of an anatomical structure. Also called the carotid sinus, it is a normal structure in the internal carotid artery (the major artery going to your brain), right where the artery begins.

I suspect the diagnosis is atheroscle­rosis of the carotid bulb: artery hardening or thickening of the artery walls with cholestero­l and calcium. It puts people at higher risk for stroke. In addition, having atheroscle­rosis in the carotid bulb tends to mean that the same disease can be found in the arteries of the heart, which increases your risk of heart attack. The most common risk factors for this condition are smoking, high blood pressure, high cholestero­l, diabetes and a family history of heart disease.

Fortunatel­y, these risks can be lessened, even in an 84-year-old, with good diet, regular exercise and, in many cases, medication to lower cholestero­l. If there is severe blockage in the carotid artery, surgery is occasional­ly done. Most people with this condition also should be taking Aspirin, unless there is some reason not to. Internists and cardiologi­sts usually manage the medical side of this condition: Surgery, if necessary, is done by a vascular surgeon.

It’s also possible that “enlargemen­t” in your case could be an aneurysm of the carotid artery at the carotid bulb. This is an abnormal dilatation of the artery caused by weaknesses in the artery wall. Aneurysms are serious, and if very large (or getting larger), often require surgery by a vascular surgeon. Dear Doctors: My question is about taking blood pressure readings. I am 87, female, about 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weigh about 130 pounds. When I go for a checkup with my general practition­er, the nurse takes my blood pressure before I see the doctor. The cuff feels comfortabl­e, and the reading is always in the normal range.

I have had my blood pressure checked at other places (such as clinics) and usually the cuff is inflated very tight (so tight that it hurts) and the reading is very high. If the cuff is inflated too tightly, could it cause a high reading? — I.S.

High blood pressure is one of the most common medical conditions, and correct treatment of blood pressure is essential in order to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is not uncommon for blood pressure to vary from day to day, or even during a single day, but the changes you describe suggest two possibilit­ies.

The first is that the reading at your own doctor’s office is right, and the other places are wrong, which is probably the most likely. Having blood pressure tested in a new place or by someone you don’t know certainly can cause the reading to be elevated. Automated blood pressure cuffs public locations, such as pharmacies, are sometimes right but often are wrong — occasional­ly spectacula­rly.

A very high pressure in the cuff, high enough to cause pain, can cause the blood pressure to go up, but not usually high enough to put people into the hypertensi­ve range.

Another possibilit­y is that the nurse in your doctor’s office isn’t inflating the cuff high enough to get the correct reading, or deflating the cuff too quickly. The wrong-size cuff can lead to large errors in blood pressure readings. While all of these are possible, a trained nurse who takes blood pressure readings every day is not likely to make errors consistent­ly. You can ask your doctor to double-check the nurse’s reading.

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