Windsor Star

No need for fluoridati­on

- DR. W. GIFFORDJON­ES Online: Comments:

Why, in 1974, didn’t authoritie­s learn from this terrible tragedy? A three-year-old Brooklyn boy, during his first dental checkup, had fluoride paste applied to his teeth. He was then handed a glass of water, but the hygienist failed to inform him to swish the solution around in his mouth, and then spit it out. Instead, he drank the water, and a few hours later he was dead from fluoride poisoning. Fluoride is an acute toxin with a rating higher than lead.

I was severely criticized by dentists when I issued a warning about fluoride five years ago. Now, a report from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), says the use of fluoride causes a decrease in children’s IQ.

Anna Choi, at the HSPH, reports in the journal, Environmen­tal Health Perspectiv­es, a study involving children from two nearby communitie­s. Researcher­s discovered that children in the low fluoride area had a 28-percent chance of being normal, bright, or of high intelligen­ce. In the high fluoride area the figure was eight per cent. They also found that, in the low fluoride community, six per cent of children suffered from mental retardatio­n compared to 15 per cent in the high fluoride community.

The HSPH says that there are now 23 human and 100 animal studies that link the use of fluoride water to brain damage. These findings show an increase of aluminum and beta amyloid plaque in the brain, both associated with Alzheimer’s disease. There’s also a decrease in acetylchol­ine receptors, which help to transmit nerve messages. These changes could have an adverse effect on a child’s neurodevel­opment.

The sole argument favouring fluoridati­on is that it reduces tooth decay. But several studies, involving as many as 480,000 children, found no beneficial evidence between fluoridate­d and non-fluoridate­d communitie­s. In fact, one study showed tooth decay was greater in the fluoridate­d area!

So why the U.S. and Canada continue to add a toxic element to our drinking water is hard to fathom. After all, 98 per cent of Europe is fluoride free. Sweden, Germany, Norway, Holland, Denmark and France stopped using fluoridati­on 30 years ago.

In 1980, a New Zealand dentist, an ardent supporter of fluoride therapy, was sent by the government on a tour to study fluoridati­on. He returned an outspoken critic of the treatment.

Later, in 1999, Dr. Hardy Limeback, professor of dentistry at the University of Toronto, and former supporter of fluoridati­on, reported that fluoride may be destroying our bones, teeth and overall health. He claimed children under three should never use fluoride toothpaste and drink fluoride water and mothers should never use tap water to prepare baby formula.

Most parents are not aware of dental fluorosis, a discolouri­ng of teeth due to excess fluoride. In 1940, this mottling of teeth occurred in 10 per cent of children’s teeth. Today, in some areas, it’s as high as 55 per cent. One reason, children’s toothpaste tastes good, and they swallow too much of it.

I’m not alone in thinking there is no convincing evidence that water should contain 1.5 parts per million fluoride, when our bodies have no use for it, and when the risk is greater than the benefit. Toothpaste has up to 1,500 ppm and treatment in a dentist’s office a whopping 10,000 to 20,000 ppm!

I believe it’s dangerous for health authoritie­s to brush aside the Harvard study. So-called experts are not always right. As Carl Sagan, the noted astronomer remarked, when discussing authoritar­ian judgments, “Arguments from authoritie­s do not count. Too many authoritie­s have been mistaken too often.” I say Amen to that.

This is just my opinion about fluoridati­on and since I’m not related to the Almighty, I could be wrong. But it appears that since the three-year-old boy died, experts continue to ignore the dangers.

For me, I’ve learned one thing. To be prepared for criticism that invariably descends on me about this issue.

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