Windsor Star

Lest we Forget

Why we remember


The First World War was supposed to be “The War to End All Wars.” Of course, it wasn’t, and over the past 100 years Canadians have all too often been called upon to defend and uphold the freedoms and democratic principles that we can so easily take for granted.

In all — from the fields of Europe to the deserts of Afghanista­n — close to two million Canadians have served their country in wartime and more than 115,000 have given their lives.

They are startling figures. And so is the fact that of the one million Canadians who served in the Second World War only about 91,000 veterans are alive. Their average age is close to 90 and nearly 50 pass away each day.

We have already lost our direct link to the veterans who fought in the First World War; soon it will be broken with those who served in the Second World War.

As Jack Granatstei­n, one of Canada’s best-known military historians, has said, the passing of the last Second World War veteran could have a profound impact on the way we have marked Nov. 11 over two centuries. “Remembranc­e Day will change, I don’t necessaril­y know if it will lose its force or not, but it will certainly change.”

Just how it changes will depend on us. Certainly, the importance of the bond of remembranc­e between the living and dead was eloquently expressed by John McCrae, a Canadian Army physician on the front lines in Ypres, Belgium in 1915. McCrae gave a voice to his fallen comrades that rings as poignantly today as it did then. To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.

On Monday, we will remember our veterans on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month — the time the guns fell silent on the Western Front in 1918 after four years of continuous warfare.

Some of us will be alone, some in offices and some in schools. Many will mark Remembranc­e Day’s traditiona­l two minutes of silence at community cenotaphs.

Red poppies — like the ones that covered the battlefiel­ds where thousands of Canadians lost their lives during the First World War — will serve as a reminder of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

They were soldiers, pilots and sailors who persevered and suffered so we would have the opportunit­y to forge a future that they would never see, but a future they believed was worth the ultimate sacrifice.

We will also remember those who returned home and devoted their energy to building communitie­s where their families would prosper.

Ultimately, we must remember that peace and freedom can’t be taken for granted — they are the result of vigilance, and the cost, in terms of lives lost, can be great.

Today, all Canadians have a responsibi­lity — a responsibi­lity that grows greater with each passing year — to recognize the service and sacrifice of our veterans who have made the world a better place in which to live.


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