Windsor Star

Better Made Cabinets


It’s agreed upon by many that the kitchen is the heart of the home; it’s where friends, family and loved ones often gather together, whether it’s a holiday or just a quiet Tuesday evening. It’s where food is made, where our bellies are filled and where souls are ignited – so why, then, wouldn’t one pay closest attention to a kitchen’s design?

With the kitchen being one of the most utilized spac- es in a home, Better Made Cabinets owner Vern Myslichuk says that designing a kitchen from scratch – or renovating an existing one – is one of the most exciting processes in which one can be involved. Better yet when the company you’re working with includes you in the developmen­t of your kitchen from start to finish.

“As a custom manufactur­ing facility, we go from screen to machine,” says Myslichuk, who pours endless hours into each client and each project. “Everything we design, we start and we finish. We install. We have full control of everything we plan. And we involved the client every step of the way.”

Myslichuk explains that whether a client is already prepared with an exact idea of what she hopes to achieve or has come to him with a completely blank slate and open mind, he invites them into his showroom where there is a “huge variety of different looks, a variety of options, from contempora­ry to traditiona­l. “Understand­ing this – how (the client) feels about a certain aesthetic, how they gravitate to a certain look – is first and foremost, before you even start designing.”

After a lengthy discussion, Myslichuk’s team then moves on to complete the design, the layout, the colours and finally, the details. “Everyone cooks differentl­y; one might want a specific space to accommodat­e a blender, or a bunch of often-used spatulas,” he explains. “We learn about how they cook. Those might seem like minute details, but when you’re designing a space, that becomes really important – and it’s evident when everything’s done and you’re actually using the space.”

State-of-the-art software is used in the design process so that the client can see firsthand what her kitchen will look like; it also gives her the ability to alter design elements before they’re physically installed in the home. “There’s no guesswork,” says Myslichuk. “If you don’t like that molding, we’ll take it out, and it will recalculat­e the price. We make the change right in front of the client. It makes things so much easier, because we’re not modifying the space after the fact.”

Myslichuk adds that good design doesn’t stop at the kitchen; today, he says, the thoughtful homeowner “ties the whole home together for a nice flow.

“Consider your interior doors, your trim work, your ceiling details. Think about your laundry room, your baseboards, the trim around your windows, your casing. You might start with the kitchen, but you can extend that feel throughout the whole home, and it makes that just that much more special.”

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An assortment of bar, kitchen and specialty cabinets by Better Made Cabinets
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