Windsor Star

Child porn case rewrites rules on evidence

Circumstan­tial data can suffice, top court decides


OTTAWA • Circumstan­tial evidence can be enough to convict someone of possessing child pornograph­y, the Supreme Court of Canada says.

In a decision Friday, the high court ruled unanimousl­y that the Crown does not have to disprove any other possible explanatio­n for how child pornograph­y ends up on a computer owned by an accused.

“’Other plausible theories’ or ‘other reasonable possibilit­ies’ must be based on logic and experience applied to the evidence or the absence of evidence, not on speculatio­n,” Supreme Court Justice Thomas Cromwell wrote in the 32-page decision.

“Of course, the line between a ‘plausible theory’ and ‘speculatio­n’ is not always easy to draw. But the basic question is whether the circumstan­tial evidence, viewed logically and in light of human experience, is reasonably capable of supporting an inference other than that the accused is guilty.”

The decision concerned the case of Oswald Villaroman, who took his laptop to a Calgary computer shop for repairs in December 2009, and a service technician contacted police after discoverin­g child pornograph­y downloaded through a file-sharing program.

A judge convicted Villaroman of child pornograph­y possession following a prosecutio­n based on circumstan­tial evidence such as the fact he owned the computer, which had only one user account labelled with his name.

The Alberta Court of Appeal overturned the conviction last year, ruling the trial judge had erred by excluding other possibilit­ies as to how the pornograph­y ended up on his computer.

The Supreme Court disagreed with the appeal judgment Friday, setting aside the acquittal.

The high court also handed a separate Charter of Rights issue related to the search and seizure of the laptop back to the Alberta Court of Appeal, which means Villaroman will have another chance to argue his case in the appeal court.

In asking the Supreme Court to consider the case, the Crown argued that requiring prosecutor­s to disprove all other possible conclusion­s concerning the presence of pornograph­y would increase the burden of proof to an impossible degree.

The Crown said this could have a devastatin­g impact on the ability to prosecute child pornograph­y cases and others that rely on circumstan­tial evidence.

The lawyers representi­ng Villaroman, however, said the trial judge had simply erred in finding the defendant guilty beyond reasonable doubt in a case where the prosecutio­n had brought virtually no evidence of possession.

The Supreme Court affirmed Friday that a judge or jury should consider other plausible theories and reasonable possibilit­ies that point to innocence, and this might sometimes require the Crown to show why they would not apply.

But the high court agreed with the trial judge that this need not extend into the realm of make-believe.

“The Court of Appeal ... erred by focusing on hypothetic­al alternativ­e theories and, at times, engaging in speculatio­n rather than on the question of whether the inferences drawn by the trial judge, having regard to the standard of proof, were reasonably open to him,” Cromwell wrote.

The Supreme Court acknowledg­ed there were “gaps” in the evidence the Crown presented at trial, but the appeal court went too far in analyzing those gaps, effectivel­y retrying the case.

“In my view, while not every trier of fact would inevitably have reached the same conclusion as did the trial judge, that conclusion was a reasonable one,” Cromwell wrote.

The Supreme Court did not set any new rules for instructin­g juries on how to deal with circumstan­tial evidence, but did suggest that in cases that rely only, or largely, on circumstan­tial evidence, it might be “helpful” for a judge to caution the jury about its limits.

The example Cromwell gave was looking out the window, seeing the road was wet and assuming it had been raining.

A closer look, however, might reveal that the sidewalks were dry, or that a sound that could be coming from a street-cleaning truck could be heard in the distance.

“The inferences that may be drawn from this observatio­n must be considered in light of all of the evidence and the absence of evidence, assessed logically, and in light of human experience and common sense.”

 ?? BRYAN SCHLOSSER ?? Supreme Court Justice Thomas Cromwell ruled “other plausible theories” for how child porn ends up on an accused’s computer must be based on logic, not speculatio­n.
BRYAN SCHLOSSER Supreme Court Justice Thomas Cromwell ruled “other plausible theories” for how child porn ends up on an accused’s computer must be based on logic, not speculatio­n.

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