Windsor Star

Region ranks near top for opioid use

Prescripti­ons for drugs troubling


For the first time we have an idea of how many people locally are dependent on “dangerous” prescripti­on opioids, and the numbers are troubling.

Out of 49 counties in the province, Essex (including Windsor) has the seventh-highest number of opioid users, according to a report that examines the prescripti­ons for the 3.8 million Ontarians who get their drugs paid for by the government’s drug programs. Twentyfour per cent of local people on publicly funded drug programs use opioids compared to a 20 per cent rate provincewi­de, and the overdose death rate is 50 per cent higher here (30 per year) than provincial­ly. The only jurisdicti­ons worse than Essex were several counties in the north, Brant County and Niagara Region.

The numbers are “completely consistent” with what Dr. Tony Hammer sees every day treating people with addictions. “I just didn’t know whether we’d be at the very top,” he said Thursday of the report from the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto’s St. Michael’s Hospital and the Ontario Drug Policy Research Network. He suspects the reason why the numbers are so high here is the soaring proportion of people working in manufactur­ing, where they get repetitive strain injuries and their doctors prescribe them painkiller­s that start them down the road of escalating dosages and addiction.

Doctors have been too quick to write those prescripti­ons, he said.

“In the last 20 years it’s become the way we treat patients. It’s the accepted standard and it was heavily, heavily marketed by the drug companies.”

He said many well-meaning doctors followed the pain-treatment guidelines by increasing the dosage when the patient’s pain continues.

“We now understand pain much more and these high doses are, A, ineffectiv­e, B, dangerous particular­ly when combined with sedatives such as Valium, and, C, they make pain feel much greater to the patient,” said Hammer, who works with patients to taper down their dosage or replace them with addiction treatment drugs like Methadone and Suboxone.

One of his patients, who requested anonymity, said she was addicted to a long list of powerful opiates — fentanyl, oxycodone, morphine — after an abdominal surgery went wrong about five years ago. “The doctors don’t know what to do, they just give you the pills and if the pain doesn’t go away it’s ‘take more, take more,’ ” she said.

On a scale of one to 10, her pain was “15 to 20,” she said. But a year ago, she connected with Hammer who convinced her to quit “cold turkey,” followed by a small dosage of Suboxone. “Today, it would be about a five or six,” she said of her pain level. “I got my life back, basically.”

The report points out the “huge variations” in opioid use across the province, said lead author Tara Gomes, who noted that the provincial average of 20 per cent is high. But the rates in areas including Essex are significan­tly worse. She said the federal and provincial government­s are starting to talk about actions to address the problem.

“These findings really start to highlight the fact that some of these resources might be best put first into some of these areas,” she said. “They might have a quicker impact on these concerning trends.”

People who get their drugs paid by public drug programs include seniors, people on disability and Ontario Works, and people with very low incomes. That means the opioid numbers may not be the same for the general public, but they do provide a new layer of insight into the problem, said Gomes. Essex actually had a low rate when it came to opioid-related hospital admissions and emergency department visits.

When the numbers of opioid users were compared for health regions, the Erie-St. Clair LHIN ranked second-highest out of 14. Gomes didn’t know how much the government is paying for these narcotics.

Shawn Rumble, who co-ordinates the addictions programs at Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, said if he was to make a Top 10 list of substances his clients are addicted to, opiates would rank No. 2, beaten only by alcohol.

Last year, 629 people with opioid addictions sought help. These people face frustratio­ns because of waits of one or two months to get into some residentia­l treatment programs, and the fact that only one residentia­l program in the entire province takes people using replacemen­t therapy (Methadone and Suboxone).

Hammer said another reason for so many local opioid prescripti­ons is the black market. He recently discovered that a patient he was treating for substance abuse with Suboxone had been getting $6,000 a month worth of oxycodone from a local pharmacy, using a prescripti­on from another doctor. Urine tests proved he wasn’t using the oxy, which means he was probably selling it, he said.

“When you get these large quantities of (opioid) prescripti­ons for non-malignant pain, you can expect quite a lot of diversion.”

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