Windsor Star

Modelling modern-day take on Saint Nick

Mason creates Fashion Santa to reflect years of runway experience


WASHINGTON Toronto model Paul Mason has become a viral sensation after creating Fashion Santa — an elegant, modern twist on Old Saint Nick’s jolly image.

Mason spoke about all things fashion and Father Christmas.

Q Where did the concept of Fashion Santa come from?

A (After) 30 years of modelling, 14 of those in New York City, my mother was getting ill and I had to go back home to Toronto. Sadly, she passed and I stopped shaving. That’s how I got the beard. I think her spirit lives within this character. I thought why not make a character that is close to me and all my years and experience as a model, and turn it around and make this character Christmas-y, because I look like a Christmas guy. I was doing fashion for Toronto Fashion Week and Toronto men’s fashion week and I started doing a lot of selfies, so I thought, “How can I take a selfie and make some money for a cause or charity?” I’m not trying to take away from Santa Claus. I’m just trying to create a character that brings joy and happiness and all of the stuff associated with the season.

Q I’m assuming it’s only a few months a year that you’re doing this ...

A Yes, but I’m hoping when the brand is developed a little bit more I can do some publishing. I’ve already been asked by an agent about a book, so that’s exciting.

 ??  ?? Paul Mason: “I’m just trying to create a character that brings joy.”
Paul Mason: “I’m just trying to create a character that brings joy.”

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