Windsor Star

PM urged to compensate victims of tainted blood


More than three decades after a blood transfusio­n gave him two devastatin­g illnesses, LaSalle’s Jim Moauro is appealing to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “do the right thing” for hundreds of victims like him.

Trudeau’s father, Pierre, was prime minister when they were given tainted blood in the early 1980s.

“I think it’s fitting his son clean up his legacy,” said Moauro, 67, a mild hemophilia­c who contracted both HIV and hepatitis C after taking a spill during a company picnic wheelbarro­w race on Boblo Island in 1983. He went to hospital for treatment and ended up getting a blood transfusio­n that infected him with the two destructiv­e viruses.

By the time he was diagnosed seven years later, he’d already passed HIV to his wife Donna, who died from HIV-related complicati­ons a few years later.

Moauro gives credit for his survival to Dr. Jeff Cohen, the medical director at Windsor Regional Hospital’s HIV care program.

But his fragile health has left him a shadow of his former self as he continues to work because he has little in the way of savings, he said. “It was a gift the (Canadian) Red Cross (Society) gave me and it lingers on forever.”

Moauro has written Trudeau, federal Health Minister Jane Philpott and every MP in the country seeking federal compensati­on for Canadians sickened by the blood supply prior to 1986. They were not covered by the large government­supported settlement for victims infected between 1986 and 1990.

Instead, the early victims made claims against the Red Cross, which was forced to seek bankruptcy protection as the tainted blood scandal gained national prominence. Because there were more claims than money, these victims received about 25 per cent of what they were entitled to, according to Moauro, who originally sued with five other victims. He was supposed to receive more than $3 million, but ended up getting less than $1 million.

Almost all the money he received is now gone and he only has $40,000 in savings, Moauro said.

As part of the settlement, he and others had to sign a document promising to not sue again. So Moauro is making this a political issue, said his former lawyer, Harvey Strosberg.

The Windsor lawyer was a major player in the $1.1-billion class action settlement with the federal and provincial government­s for victims who received tainted blood between 1986 and 1991.

Those infected earlier were left out because after 1986 there was a lab test that could have been used to prevent infections. They are victims of fate, Strosberg said. “I have the utmost sympathy for these people … truly, truly, truly.”

Of Moauro, he said: “I say good luck to him. He’s a wonderful man.”

In his recent letters to the federal politician­s, Moauro said he voted for the Liberals last election hoping a Trudeau government would have empathy for him and the other pre-1986 victims: “The Canadian government failed us, the law of the country failed us, the court system has failed us, the Red Cross failed us and the minister of health at the time failed to keep us safe.”

In a statement to the Windsor Star, Health Canada said the government “recognizes the tremendous hardship that infected individual­s and their families have gone through,” but added it is “unable” to help Moauro and others in his situation.

A Canadian Red Cross Society fund was approved by the courts in 2000 to settle litigation over contaminat­ed blood, the statement said. “This partial settlement included financial contributi­ons from the (Red Cross), certain pharmaceut­ical companies, hospitals, physicians and insurers.”

The federal government did not contribute or participat­e in the fund, so “it is unable to intervene,” said the statement.

Moauro said he’s making this appeal to the feds now because the Liberals are back in power and he’s hoping Trudeau will be more sympatheti­c than former prime minister Stephen Harper’s Conservati­ves.

Originally from Leamington, Moauro is one of three brothers with hemophilia, an inherited condition in which the blood’s ability to clot is reduced, resulting in severe bleeding from the slightest injury. His brother Dale also was infected with HIV and hepatitis C by a tainted transfusio­n and died in 1993, said Moauro.

The children of the dead are the biggest victims of the tainted blood scandal, he said. He’s seeking

The Canadian government failed us, the law of the country failed us, the court system has failed us …

out other pre-1986 victims. They can email him at jamesmoaur­

Recently, he benefited from the Ontario government’s decision to pay for Harvoni, a revolution­ary new drug that can cure hepatitis C at a cost of about $69,000 per patient. The virus has become undetectab­le, he said. But battling HIV is a lifelong challenge. He takes a regimen of drugs to keep his Tcell count from declining. He also relies on painkiller­s and medical marijuana to cope with pain from neuropathy.

“I don’t have a life,” said Moauro, who said he’s lost all his friends because people look at him and see death. He once took out a woman who stood up and walked out of a restaurant when he told her he was HIV-positive.

“It’s tough and it’s lonely out here, being HIV-positive.”

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Jim Moauro

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