Windsor Star

Ransomware gang linked to N. Korea

WannaCry virus blamed for global disruption­s


The “ransomware” attack on computers throughout the world has been linked to a gang of cybercrimi­nals possibly tied to the North Korean government.

Analysts from security firms Symantec and Kaspersky said they were looking at clues that appeared to link the WannaCry virus to the Lazarus Group who are believed to be behind a strong of high-profile cyber crimes.

Kaspersky said there were similariti­es in coding between an early version of WannaCry and a February 2015 cyber attack from the Lazarus Group.

“We believe it’s important that other researcher­s around the world investigat­e these similariti­es and attempt to discover more facts about the origin of WannaCry,” said Kaspersky in a blog.

The security firm has previously investigat­ed the Lazarus Group and believes it was behind the “Sony Wiper” attack — which crippled the company in 2014, the “DarkSeoul” operation — which targeted South Korean banks and media companies, and a US$81 million cyber heist of a Bangladesh­i bank.

“The scale of the Lazarus operations is shocking,” said the Kaspersky blog that accused the group of running a “malware factory.”

The U.S. government later blamed North Korea for the Sony attack and there has been speculatio­n that the Lazarus Group is a North Korean state actor.

On Monday, the WannaCry cyberattac­k spread to thousands of more computers as people logged in at work, disrupting business, schools, hospitals and daily life, though no new large-scale breakdowns were reported.

In Britain, whose health service was among the first high-profile targets of the attack Friday, some hospitals and doctors’ offices were still struggling to recover.

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