Windsor Star

A priceless gift for Mother’s Day


A mother’s concern for her daughter becomes a twist of fate.

“My mom had been nagging me for years and years - and years! - to have a Pap test” admits Ronda Guthrie. Her doctors had also urged her to spare a few minutes for the safe, easy and effective screening test.

Knowing a Pap test is the only way to detect early abnormal cell changes that might lead to cervical cancer, Guthrie’s mother MariePaule Miniely says, “I have always faithfully gone for my tests every three years.”

Despite receiving clean, negative results consistent­ly, Miniely stayed on track, screening at regular intervals. In the spring of 2016, Miniely learned about a local PAPalooza event offering cervical screening. It was hosted by Dr. Neerja Sharma, Erie St. Clair Regional Colposcopy Lead.

“I’ll go with you and have a Pap test done as well so you won’t be afraid,” Miniely told her daughter.

Guthrie, a profession­al woman who was then 50 years old, had personal reasons for completely avoiding the test in the past. Feeling the strength of her mom’s love, she finally agreed to go.

“The test itself wasn’t difficult,” Guthrie recalls.

The process for the test was first explained to her so she would know what was happening at each step. “I didn’t have as many issues as I thought I’d have.”

When the test results came back, Guthrie was in the clear. Unfortunat­ely, her mother was not.

Miniely’s Pap test revealed abnormal cells. Miniely, who was 68 at the time, was diagnosed with Stage I cervical cancer. In November, she had surgery to remove the cancerous cells followed by three days of radiation treatment in March this year.

“Once they found out I had cancer, they worked really quickly,” Miniely notes.

A checkup several weeks ago indicated that “Mom is fine,” Guthrie says with relief.

Mother and daughter, both widows who share their life experience­s, laughter and companions­hip in their home in Wallacebur­g, are thankful to have been granted more time together.

“It was a blessing in a strange way,” says Guthrie of her mom’s well-intentione­d nagging. “Even though you don’t want to admit it, parents have some wisdom.”

Her mom chimes in: “You just needed a push.”

She advises other women, “You have to go.”

Free cervical cancer screening is recommende­d for women aged 21 to 69 every three years if they are, or ever have been, sexually active. Even for those who have had the HPV vaccinatio­n, Pap testing is recommende­d.

Cervical cancer is almost entirely preventabl­e and yet, many women still avoid this simple screening test.

Almost half a million Ontario women between 35 and 49 years old are overdue for their Pap tests. Busy juggling family, work and home, they often don’t make adequate time for their own health. The best gift women can give themselves and their loved ones this Mother’s Day is to schedule their Pap test!

Other reasons women have for not being screened include: feeling self-conscious of their physical appearance, anxiety over the brief, minimal discomfort during the test, dealing with fears arising from past experience­s, fear of the test results, language barriers, and cultural taboos.

“Missing your Pap test is not a safe practice,” warns Dr. Sharma. “The screening takes five minutes. You only need to do it every three years. The test is a much healthier alternativ­e to dealing with cancer.”

According to Cancer Care Ontario, widespread Pap test screening over the past 30 years has resulted in a 60 per cent decrease in cervical cancer incidence and deaths in Ontario.

“Go tell your daughters and spread the word,” Dr. Sharma urges. Frank conversati­ons reinforce the importance of regular checks.

Screening is free and offered by family doctors, nurse practition­ers and at walk-in clinics for your convenienc­e.

For more informatio­n, visit paptest.

The screening takes five minutes. You only need to do it every three years. The test is a much healthier alternativ­e to dealing with cancer.

 ?? - SUPPLIED ?? Marie-Paule Miniely (left) and her daughter Ronda Guthrie.
- SUPPLIED Marie-Paule Miniely (left) and her daughter Ronda Guthrie.

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