Windsor Star

Maslany Space Channel series set to fade to black

Maslany’s groundbrea­king series Orphan Black is coming to an end


Tatiana Maslany is finding out first-hand that all good things must come to an end.

Orphan Black, the groundbrea­king Space-BBC America series that featured Maslany in a number of roles, is finishing its run this summer. The fifth and final season premieres Saturday and follows Sarah Manning, a grifter who discovers she is one of many clones being monitored and targeted by various organizati­ons.

The 31-year-old Maslany, who was born and raised in Regina, won an Emmy Award in 2016 as best lead actress in a drama series. She took a few minutes recently to talk about Orphan Black and its impressive run.

Q Shooting wrapped up two months ago and the season premiere is on Saturday. Has the finality of it all hit home with you yet?

A No, not really. We had our last big press day as a group with the whole cast a couple of nights ago in New York and it was so sad to think that it would be the last panel we would ever do together. It’s been such an amazing experience for all of us and we’re all close as a cast. The last couple of weeks on set, having to say goodbye to characters every day, whether it was clones or supporting cast, it was a very sad process and I think it will take a while for it to really sink in.

Q I previously asked you about how long you hoped the series would last and your main concern was that it wouldn’t overstay its welcome. Has the series achieved that goal?

A We’ve definitely explored a lot about identity and the science behind the cloning and that sort of stuff, but there’s always more to do and there’s always more we could’ve done.

But I’m really happy the series leaves an impact of questions and a legacy of characters and women’s stories that will inspire more. It exists within a bigger conversati­on about science right now, autonomy and the world.

Q I know it’s not possible to please everyone, but do you think the final season will meet the expectatio­ns of the fan base?

A Yes. I don’t exactly know what the Clone Club would even be expecting, but what I hope what they would want would (be) for the series to do justice to the characters. There’s a lot of questions posed throughout the series that hopefully we will offer up some satisfying answers to, but I also think what Orphan Black does is to leave people with more questions and more possibilit­ies, and hopefully it opens doors too.

Q Did you ever have any apprehensi­ons about being able to meet the demands the series required of you?

A I don’t think I knew what the workload was going to entail when I first auditioned for it. I was just excited to audition for it and kind of desperate for the part because it was such a unique challenge and all the characters were so exciting to me.

I didn’t even know that Helena was going to exist when I took the part. I didn’t know (that) Rachel was going to exist. I didn’t know about M.K. or anybody. It became evident as we got going that this was going to be a huge project and a lot of work. I thrive in that. I enjoy a challenge. The only thing I regret is not being able to sleep (laughs).

Q Do you have a favourite character from your various clones?

A It genuinely changed every day. It genuinely changed with who I got to play that day, because they were all so unique and different for me and exciting. There’s certainly characters that I don’t feel that I’ll get to play that version of a character again — Alison was very different for me, and Rachel and Helena. But Sarah was my girl from the start. They’re all favourites for different reasons.

Q Have you taken an opportunit­y to sit back and reflect on the impact the series has had on both your career and your personal life?

A I think I’ve been taking that in as we’ve been doing it because it’s been a gradual change. When you work on something this long, you can’t help but be affected by it and be changed by it.

I’ve definitely learned a lot doing it. I think the impact will be with me for the rest of my career, just in the terms of leadership and learning to be on a set and to be there (for) everything and what that collaborat­ion is like. It’s been invaluable.

Q Does it still seem strange or awkward when you’re introduced as an Emmy Award-winning actress?

A Yes, it’s still little weird, and it’s always the thing the people want to talk or ask about. For me, the work and all of that is so much more exciting and interestin­g.

Q I’ve tried to track down the number of roles you’ve had on the series and I’ve seen lists that total 11 and lists that total 14. Do you know the correct number?

A I really don’t. We should know this, but I don’t.

Q What will you miss the most about the show?

A The group of weirdos that we all were. I got to play all these weirdo clones that were such great characters and so different from what I’d ever played before. All of the dynamics with all the cast — Alison and Donnie and Felix and Helena and Sarah and Mrs. S. — characters that are so unique and had such complicate­d storylines and relationsh­ips.

I’m just going to miss that chemistry and that family that we created.

Q So now what? Do you take some time to recharge your batteries or are you chasing other opportunit­ies in movies, television or theatre?

A I’m always looking for something, but right now I’m really enjoying being more quiet and still and kind of focusing on being with my family and friends. I’ve got a film coming out in September called Strong (with Jake Gyllenhaal) so that’s something to look forward to, but right now I’m enjoying not being the workobsess­ed person I normally am.

 ??  ??
 ?? BELL MEDIA ?? Tatiana Maslany, seen as Rachel in season five of Orphan Black, says she’ll miss the “amazing experience” of working on the show.
BELL MEDIA Tatiana Maslany, seen as Rachel in season five of Orphan Black, says she’ll miss the “amazing experience” of working on the show.
 ?? ADRIANA M. BARRAZA/WENN.COM FILES ?? “It’s still little weird,” Tatiana Maslany says of winning an Emmy for her work in Orphan Black.
ADRIANA M. BARRAZA/WENN.COM FILES “It’s still little weird,” Tatiana Maslany says of winning an Emmy for her work in Orphan Black.
 ?? BELL MEDIA ?? While Tatiana Maslany portrays many characters in Orphan Black, the character of Sarah Manning has been the focal point since the start of groundbrea­king Space-BBC America series.
BELL MEDIA While Tatiana Maslany portrays many characters in Orphan Black, the character of Sarah Manning has been the focal point since the start of groundbrea­king Space-BBC America series.

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