Windsor Star



‘Despite so many false statements and lies,” the president of the United States tweeted Friday, “total and complete vindicatio­n ... and WOW, Comey is a leaker!”

To be clear: on the one hand, Donald Trump alleges that the former director of the FBI, James Comey, perjured himself in sworn testimony before the Senate Intelligen­ce committee — testimony based on his detailed contempora­neous memos of his conversati­ons with him. On the other hand, the same testimony offers “total and complete vindicatio­n” of his conduct.

Oh, and Comey’s provision of his personal recollecti­ons to the media after leaving office is a damnable leak — his lawyer has threatened to file a complaint with the Justice department over it — though it is a “leak” of informatio­n that, according to Trump, Comey made up. Except, that is, for the bits that totally and completely vindicate him.

This is all just so sad and embarrassi­ng. The thrust of Comey’s testimony was that the president fired him as FBI director to put a stop to the agency’s investigat­ion into the many clandestin­e contacts before and after the last election between members of Trump’s inner circle, notably his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and agents of the Russian government. That much is not in dispute: Trump himself has publicly said as much.

The “false statements and lies,” then, would presumably be Comey’s descriptio­n of the president’s attempts to get him to drop the investigat­ion into Flynn (“I hope you can let this go”), in the context of discussion­s about whether Comey would keep his job as director and after repeated demands for personal “loyalty.” Whether or not this meets the legal definition of obstructio­n of justice, it is obviously wildly improper for the president to make such suggestion­s to an FBI director.

And the “total and complete vindicatio­n”? First, Comey confirmed that, indeed, he had told Trump he was not personally the subject of an FBI investigat­ion at the time, as Trump was careful to put on record when he fired him. Second, asked if Trump’s suggestion­s that he drop the Flynn investigat­ion amounted to obstructio­n of justice, Comey declined to offer an opinion, noting that was for the current head of the Russia investigat­ion, former FBI director Robert Mueller to determine. Asked, finally, whether “Donald Trump colluded with Russia,” he declined to answer “in an open setting,” again adding that the investigat­ion would answer this question.

That’s it. That’s the “vindicatio­n.” The president of the United States was not personally, as of a month ago, under investigat­ion — though several of his close associates are, and he himself may be now (that Comey’s memos are now in Mueller’s possession is suggestive). And the former director of the FBI is unwilling to offer an opinion in public about whether the president is guilty of obstructio­n of justice, or collusion with a hostile foreign power. Not that Comey said he isn’t. Just that he didn’t offer an opinion one way or another.

This is what Trump is reduced to. This is what he has reduced everyone else to. Indeed, his supporters’ arguments are even more of an insult to the intelligen­ce than his own. Thus: The president didn’t “direct” Comey to drop the Flynn investigat­ion — he just said he “hoped” he would. Or: Trump only attempted to interfere with an FBI investigat­ion because he is “new to this.” Or: Why didn’t Comey quit or object if he was so concerned about Trump’s statements — as if that had any bearing on anything. (For what it’s worth, I suspect he regarded these as being of interest to the investigat­ion.)

The comparison­s are increasing­ly made, with talk of secret tapes and investigat­ors being fired, with Watergate: indeed, it is sometimes argued that this is “worse than Watergate,” since what is at issue in the present case is not only manipulati­on of an election but manipulati­on of an election by and for a hostile foreign power, with — possibly — the collusion of one of the campaigns. We shall see: as Comey said, that’s what the investigat­ion is supposed to find out.

But there is one sense in which this is already worse than Watergate. The corruption in Watergate was covert; the corruption in the present case is overt and, as such, more insidious. It is the corruption of our very ability to tell what corruption is.

Nixon was a liar, but he was a liar in the convention­al sense: he told lies that were intended to be believed. He paid truth the compliment of trying, with increasing desperatio­n, to conceal it. To that extent, at least, the truth mattered to him, if only because he knew it mattered to others. That’s why the Watergate tapes, when they were finally released, had such impact: because they revealed, definitive­ly, that Nixon had not been telling the truth. And the “smoking gun” on the tapes was the conversati­on in which Nixon talked of tampering with the FBI investigat­ion into the affair.

But what if Nixon had not bothered to conceal his lies? What if he’d said things that were obviously untrue, then denied he’d said them, then said them again, then substitute­d other, conflictin­g lies in their place? What if he’d done this not once, or twice, or a dozen times, but hundreds of times — until it seemed that no one cared any more whether he was telling the truth or not? And what if, rather than go to such lengths to conceal it, he’d publicly shrugged that, yeah, he’d called off the FBI “because this Watergate thing is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.”

Then you’d have a situation not unlike the one we have now. And, I fear, he might never have had to resign.

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