Windsor Star


Machines may be more efficient and replace tasks, but humans are still vital. Drew Hasselback explains why.

- Financial Post dhasselbac­k@nationalpo­­ach

If we seek out and embrace new technologi­es while successful­ly managing their harmful side-effects, we will create inclusive prosperity.

About 180 robots are doing work that humans used to do at this GE Aviation plant in Bromont, Que., that makes parts for jet engines. But they haven’t replaced the humans. Indeed, the opposite is true. Since a new automated section of the plant ramped up at the start of the decade, the number of people working here has risen to more than 900 from 600.

“A machine is not replacing three jobs,” said Eric Bouchard, senior operations manager at the Bromont plant. “It is reopening those jobs somewhere else because of production.”

The economics are simple. Since GE Aviation’s Bromont plant started using automation in the 1990s, the number of human hours needed to produce output has dropped an average of five per cent each year. That led to the decision to invest $85 million in the plant between 2010 and 2016 to increase automation. GE Aviation says robots are responsibl­e for a 25-per-cent increase in output over those years.

The Bromont experience is a small example of a larger trend occurring in industries ranging from manufactur­ing to energy to banking: Automation unleashes gains in productivi­ty that can actually boost employment and benefit the economy as a whole, though the experience will no doubt be disruptive for many of those who initially lose their jobs.

Even the Bank of Canada, the keeper of the country’s economy, recognizes jobs will be lost as robots replace some workers. But long-run economic history suggests that the adverse effects of robotizati­on will be short term.

At Confederat­ion, one-third of Canadians laboured in agricultur­e. Today, that figure is less than two per cent. The rest of those wouldbe farmers seem to have found something else to do while there’s more food available than ever.

In an April speech in Toronto, Carolyn Wilkins, the BoC’s senior deputy governor, said that if you roll back the clock on Canadian manufactur­ing productivi­ty to what it was 20 years ago, you’d need 750,000 more people to match today’s nationwide manufactur­ing output.

Yet overall unemployme­nt is down. Fewer people might be working in manufactur­ing, but more people have jobs overall.

“Productivi­ty growth is the only game in town when it comes to raising the economic and financial well-being of people over a long period,” Wilkins said.

Simply put, greater productivi­ty boosts consumptio­n. As manufactur­ing becomes more efficient and the time needed to make things drops, people switch their attention to other pursuits, and those usually involve them spreading their money around the economy. More spending means more jobs.

“Clearly, blaming the machines is not the way forward,” Wilkins said. “If we seek out and embrace new technologi­es while successful­ly managing their harmful sideeffect­s, we will create inclusive prosperity.”

To be sure, the benefits from automation that Wilkins describes may take a few years to find their way into countrywid­e economic statistics. The Bank of Canada expects Canadian labour productivi­ty to improve to 1.1 per cent by 2020 from 0.6 per cent today, but it expects all of that gain to come from a cyclical pickup in investment following the oil price shock.

Yet GE Aviation’s case is an example of what could happen across the broader economy. Employment at the Bromont plant has risen because the firm is making and selling more jet engine parts. It estimates its robots replace at least 35 million tasks a year that humans used to do by hand, such as lifting or assembling parts.

The immediate payoffs at Bromont were ergonomic. Repetitive work can lead to strain, and monotonous work can cause minds to wander.

The machines replace the tasks, but they don’t necessaril­y replace the people. Humans are still needed to program the machines to do the work. That job is done by teams who figure out how to get the most out of the machines.

“The role has changed from dexterity to technical skills,” said Johanne Jolicoeur, senior human resources business partner at the plant.

GE Aviation, therefore, needs people who have the “soft skills” needed to problem-solve and find efficienci­es within the plant. Operations manager Bouchard said the company is specifical­ly looking for people from what he calls the “Nintendo” generation.

“We need people who are not afraid to push buttons,” he said. “People that can play video games or that have iPads, iPhones, of course, in the future, will be a requiremen­t. But we are also looking, big time, for the cultural aspect: having employees that fit the model and the culture that we have, a culture of improvemen­t, teamwork and innovation.”

This new type of technology-loving, efficiency-driven employee is expected to be the typical plant worker of the future, and the Government of Canada recognizes it needs to prepare people for a technology-based work environmen­t that is heavily rooted in linear thinking and algorithm-based problem-solving.

“It’s not about humans versus technologi­es, it’s not about humans versus robots. It’s about how we embrace technology,” said Navdeep Bains, Canada’s minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Developmen­t.

The federal government said it will spend $950 million to fund up to five “superclust­ers” across the country that will link companies with colleges and universiti­es to develop several high-tech industry applicatio­ns. Functions will include training in advanced manufactur­ing.

And there’s no question that manufactur­ing has changed rapidly in a short period of time, and this has had a disruptive impact on Canadian workers. For instance, manufactur­ing was once the backbone of the Ontario economy. But a study by the University of Toronto’s Mowat Centre found that in the 10 years leading up to 2014, the number of people working in the province’s manufactur­ing sector fell to just over 10 per cent, down from nearly 16 per cent.

Freer trade and better transporta­tion has led to the creation of globalized value chains. Many firms have moved low-end productivi­ty jobs to low-cost jurisdicti­ons offshore. It’s unlikely those low-cost jobs will ever come back.

For its part, the Bank of Canada is counting on automation eventually contributi­ng to economic growth for a simple reason: it has to. Canada’s economy is in a slowgrowth mode, and the percentage of older workers in the economy is creating an overhang. Something is needed to fill the gap.

This automated future involves more than physical robots. Developmen­ts in software and artificial intelligen­ce will make it easier for human beings to interact with machines and computers.

Victoria Bovaird, a management consultant at Deloitte, said her firm has just released research showing that 41 per cent of companies have either fully implemente­d or made significan­t progress in adopting cognitive and AI technology within their workforce.

“Our research is showing that in many cases organizati­ons do it right and it will create new jobs,” she said.

 ?? DARIO AYALA ?? Eric Bouchard, GE Aviation senior operations manager in Bromont, Que., says a machine is reopening jobs rather than replacing them. The number of staff rose to more than 900 from 600 due to automation.
DARIO AYALA Eric Bouchard, GE Aviation senior operations manager in Bromont, Que., says a machine is reopening jobs rather than replacing them. The number of staff rose to more than 900 from 600 due to automation.

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