Windsor Star


Philippe-Antoine Hoyeck explains why the two sides don’t share a common language.

- Philippe-Antoine Hoyeck is a graduate student in philosophy at the University of Ottawa; his research focuses on the place of religion in democratic societies.

Last month, Attorney General Yasir Naqvi promised a provincial law setting an anti-protest “bubble zone” around abortion clinics, to be passed in the fall. The announceme­nt followed mounting controvers­y around regular protest activity outside Ottawa’s Morgentale­r Clinic.

The predictabl­e effect of Naqvi’s promise has been to reignite the perennial debate about abortion here in Ottawa. What is so striking about this debate, more than any other, is the extent to which each side almost invariably talks past the other.

The problem might be illuminate­d by considerin­g the foundation­s of the liberal state. Since its beginnings in the 17th and 18th centuries, liberal political theory has held that the legitimacy of the state rests on the consent of the governed. More recently, the German philosophe­r Jürgen Habermas has argued that citizens must be able to agree on the reasons that underlie a piece of legislatio­n.

Where no common religious or metaphysic­al world view exists to unite public opinion, this means that reasons must be neutral with respect to the various world views espoused by citizens. This is what grounds state secularism. Since the liberal state is supposed to allow citizens with different and incompatib­le world views to live together harmonious­ly, its authority cannot rest on a religious tradition only recognized by some.

This brings us back to the abortion debate. The pro-life argument in its most convincing form goes something like this. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms accords the right to life to all persons (Section 7) and forbids discrimina­tion on any basis, including age (Section 15). Since the fetus is a human being (“a person”) and adult humans possess a right to life, it follows that abortion is unlawful.

The question we should be asking ourselves, however, is whether the reasons for which we, as Canadian citizens, endorse the right to life for adults are also ones that could extend to the fetus.

These reasons, presumably, have to do with our sense that our own lives and the lives of our friends, colleagues, loved ones and fellow citizens are important to us and to them. Put another way, our reasons for endorsing the right to life all have to do with our self-awareness. It is this self-awareness that makes it so tragic when life is cut short.

Now it is obvious enough that the fetus does not possess this quality. But at this point in the argument, opponents of abortion will appeal to the potential of the fetus to develop those qualities that make human life intrinsica­lly worth living.

Since the fetus has this potential, the argument goes, we must give it the same protection that we would an adult human being. “POTENTIAL = LIFE DESTROYED,” proclaims a sandwich board worn by a protester outside the Morgentale­r Clinic.

What is interestin­g about this notion of potential, however, is just how much it differs from our ordinary notion of potential. As human beings, each of us has the potential to eat, to move and eventually to die. But in this ordinary sense of the word, having a potential doesn’t lead us to act as we would if that potential were actualized. Though I have the potential to develop arthritis by virtue of my biological makeup, nobody thinks I should take pain relievers now to treat the arthritis I will develop later.

To treat a potential as if it were actual only makes sense if we harbour a religious world view according to which God has given each human being a purpose. It only makes sense if by “potential,” we actually mean “destiny.”

This should help to understand why the pro-life position is unconvinci­ng to non-religious citizens. Habermas has recently suggested that religious perspectiv­es can be integrated into democratic debate by finding appropriat­e secular translatio­ns for them. But in this case, the translatio­n is incomplete: The notion of potential used by prolifers remains covertly religious and inadmissib­le in a secular state.

 ?? JEAN LEVAC ?? Mason Castro, 4, and his mom Leanne Parrish, along with many pro-choice supporters called upon the city to do more to protect Ottawa’s Morgentale­r Clinic.
JEAN LEVAC Mason Castro, 4, and his mom Leanne Parrish, along with many pro-choice supporters called upon the city to do more to protect Ottawa’s Morgentale­r Clinic.

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