Windsor Star

Tormented by odour from washing machine

- REENA NERBAS Solutions & Substituti­ons

Q Please end this torment. I am troubled with a laundry room odour that I can’t successful­ly eliminate and it emanates from my washer. I tried running vinegar through the machine as well as filling the drum and surroundin­g tub with a bleach/water solution and letting it sit for several days. No luck.

My research promotes the ideas that the outside of the drum is the problem or fetid water that doesn’t properly drain.

I’m wondering if the hoses could be the culprit. I hesitate to replace the hoses if they aren’t the problem.

The machine is an older model top-loader that has given me excellent service for many years. There are just two of us in the household so we only use the washer for one load per week. When the machine is idle, the lid always remains open. Even with the smell, the clothes come out clean.

No other water source in the house has this difficulty. Could the drain pipe on the wall be guilty? Any suggestion­s you have would be appreciate­d very much. The laundry room is on the main floor and getting harder to ignore.

A This is a common challenge with washing machines. Often, the doors to the machines are tightly sealed and moisture has no chance of escaping between uses. Thus, mould forms under the seal and within the mechanics of the machine.

It is true that you should keep the door open when the machine is not in use so that moisture can escape. You can continue to run 1 cup (250 mL) of vinegar and a 1/2 cup (125 mL) baking soda through the machine once a week to kill odours. Also, stop (if you are) using liquid fabric softeners; these tend to build up in the machine and produce mould.

As well, lift the seal and clean underneath with a paste of 3% hydrogen peroxide and borax or toothpaste and an old toothbrush — you will be amazed at the buildup. Another favourite product for getting rid of the smell of musty machines is washing soda. You can find this in the laundry department of grocery stores. It is called, So Clean by Arm and Hammer. This product is amazing at whitening and brightenin­g fabrics.

As a matter of fact, I like to add 1/4 cup (60 mL) to each load of laundry when I wash whites (it contains no bleaches or phosphates). Both borax and washing soda are great for zapping odours. Also, take out your detergent drawer and clean any mildew with 3% hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and water.

If the problem remains, then like you said there may be a more serious problem such as a clogged hose or faulty or wornout machine parts. This requires snaking the machine and using hot water and chemicals to free any clogs.

Q We have a deep fryer that works great but the outside of the fryer is marked up with oil dripping that will not come off. What solution do you recommend for this problem? A You can either purchase a branded degreaser to clean the exterior of your deep fryer, or smother the outside with a paste of baking soda and vinegar. Leave for 15 minutes and scrub with an abrasive, non-scratching pad. Rinse and wipe dry. Some people have great results by cleaning the outside of the fryer with oven cleaner. (Before using oven cleaner, test on an inconspicu­ous area first.)

Q What is the difference between linguine and fettuccine? What kind of sauce would you use on linguine?

A Fettuccine is wider and flat, while linguine is more like spaghetti but square instead of round. Each pasta shape is designed to hold the sauce differentl­y. The name linguine actually comes from the Italian language meaning, “little tongues.” This pasta pairs well with seafood sauces — clam, shrimp, etc.; because of its flat shape, the sauce stays on the noodle easily. From white sauces to tomato or wine sauces, linguine is a versatile noodle and can be substitute­d for spaghetti noodles. For simpler meals, linguine noodles can also be paired with butter, Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.


Need to liven up a fruit salad? ■ Combine orange juice with sour cream, add grated orange rind. Pour over fruit salad.

Help lemons last longer. ■ Sprinkle lemons with water and place them in a plastic bag, they will last one month or longer.

Sprinkle lemon juice onto ■ freshly cut fruit so that it does not darken.

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