Windsor Star

Many variables to water intake when riding

In many cases, more water does not equal better performanc­e for cyclists


Cyclists shouldn’t follow the same hydration strategy every time they get on their bike.

Ask cyclists how much and how often to drink during a long ride and you’ll get almost as many answers as there are cyclists. Some believe in reaching for the water bottle often and some drink more sparingly. Then there are those who follow a very strict regimen involving precise quantities of water consumed at regular intervals. Who’s right? That’s the question a team of researcher­s tackled in the review paper The Influence of Drinking Fluid on Endurance Cycling Performanc­e.

Before delving into the findings, it’s worth noting that for many cyclists, a drink of cold water during a long, hard ride is more reward than part of a well thought out strategy to ward off dehydratio­n and the decline in performanc­e that accompanie­s it. But is relying on thirst to determine when to drink the best plan for cyclists who want to be the best they can be on their bike?

In an effort to get a handle on how much fluid cyclists should consume during rides of varying distances, the researcher­s waded through 151 studies before finding 15 that matched their nine-point criteria for inclusion, one of which included reviewing only those studies that looked at drinking no sooner than five minutes before getting on the bike. Their conclusion­s were based on the experience­s of 70 cyclists in total, 10 per cent of them women.

The first noteworthy discovery is that for rides lasting an hour or less, cyclists should avoid draining their water bottle. Too much water during short, high-intensity bike rides has the potential to cause stomach upset such that it reduces performanc­e by as much as 2.5 per cent when compared with no fluid intake.

“It has been demonstrat­ed that above an exercise intensity of 70-75 per cent of VO2 peak (or peak oxygen uptake), gastric emptying becomes compromise­d and fluid starts to accumulate in the stomach, leading to abdominal bloating, gastrointe­stinal discomfort and reduced cycling performanc­e,” said the authors of the paper published last month in Sports Medicine.

Some studies indicated that 50 per cent of the cyclists involved in short, fast rides suffered from stomach upset and overall discomfort after consuming too much water.

It’s also worth noting that the majority of elite cyclists participat­ing in 40-km time trials don’t reach for their water bottles. Instead, they tend to drink before a race, which allows fluids to be adequately digested before getting on their bikes.

As for rides longer than one hour, the researcher­s concluded that following a protocol as simple as drinking when thirsty improved performanc­e similar to more regimented hydration protocols and resulted in better times than not drinking at all.

That said, there are a lot of variables to take into considerat­ion when determinin­g how much to drink during a lengthy bike ride.

“Both drinking to thirst and planned fluid intake are viable strategies and their use should be based on the cyclist’s preference, environmen­t, course, type and duration of event, rules and opportunit­ies to drink,” the research team said.

This seemingly sensible approach to deciding when and how much to drink is similar to that recommende­d to runners who, like cyclists, have been guilty of thinking that more water equals better performanc­e.

It’s also a reminder that cyclists shouldn’t follow the same hydration strategy every time they get on their bike — another bad habit that cyclists fall into.

So while most cyclists know enough to increase their intake of fluids in hot and or humid conditions, most don’t adjust according to how far they plan on cycling.

“Providing a set fluid prescripti­on and volume as a blanket guideline and replacemen­t strategy clearly does not offer a benefit to cycling performanc­e for all individual­s over a range of exercise durations, intensitie­s and environmen­tal conditions,” the researcher­s said.

There may be some circumstan­ces — such as cold weather conditions when your thirst mechanism falls behind your body’s actual need to replace fluids — when a more planned drinking strategy is necessary. In those cases, the researcher­s concluded that cyclists should aim for 0.15-0.20 mL of fluid per minute per kilogram of body weight for rides between one and two hours, and 0.14-0.27 mL of fluid per minute per kilogram of body weight for rides more than two hours.

The bottom line is there are performanc­e consequenc­es for cyclists who drink too much and drink too little. So avoid emptying your water bottle during short, intense rides, even on hot days. But let thirst be your guide for most distances that keep you on your bike for more than an hour. This simplified plan not only requires less preparatio­n before getting on your bike, you’ll pay less attention to the mechanics of staying well hydrated while in the saddle.

So go ahead and give yourself permission to be more in the moment when on your bike and forget about worrying about the right time to grab your water bottle.

 ?? ELLIOT FERGUSON ?? There are several variables to consider before reaching for your water during a lengthy ride.
ELLIOT FERGUSON There are several variables to consider before reaching for your water during a lengthy ride.
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