Windsor Star



Her family this week went to court to have the mandatory publicatio­n ban, imposed as a matter of course for those who allegedly have been sexually assaulted, lifted upon their daughter’s name.

As her mother said Tuesday outside the Edmonton Law Courts, “I want her to be known.” So she should be. This young woman, known publicly only by a pseudonym or as “the complainan­t,” was magnificen­t — intelligen­t and a quick study, funny and profane, proud and unbelievab­ly courageous, yet curiously gentle and generous with the soul of a poet.

She was shot and killed on Dec. 12, 2015, but for a week in June 2014, the then 27-year-old was the complainan­t in the trial of Lance David Blanchard, a violent career criminal who spent 37 of the previous 40 years behind bars prior to his release in October 2013.

In December, Blanchard was also convicted of kidnapping, unlawful confinemen­t, aggravated sexual assault, possession of a weapon and threatenin­g death by Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Judge Eric Macklin.

All the charges related to his attack — she was sleeping in a stairwell of his building when he grabbed her by the hair, dragged her screaming through a hall and into his apartment — upon the woman on June 16, 2014.

Prosecutor­s are seeking to have Blanchard declared a dangerous offender — that proceeding is slated for next January — and recently his lawyer Tom Engel filed for a mistrial, based on alleged new evidence.

But what rightly got the attention of the country was the treatment of the young woman — Macklin called it “appalling” — at Blanchard’s preliminar­y hearing, where she was the central witness.

There, though the victim of a crime, she was remanded in custody, jailed for five days (when stripped to the bare bones, this was largely for the convenienc­e of the lawyers and court), often kept in close quarters with Blanchard while being moved to and from court and shackled while in the courtroom despite the fact she’d never given any indication she might try to make a break for it.

She was also, correctly, described as an indigenous and homeless woman, those words coupled together implying that she was also, in a variety of ways, a victim — not only of this violent attack on her, but in the broader sense.

But she was the furthest thing from a victim.

Firstly, she fought like a tiger against Blanchard, receiving a serious stab wound to her hand (it took 27 stitches to close and remained numb for what was left of her life) and being clever enough to grab a phone, put it on speaker and dial 911, so the sounds of her furious struggle, and Blanchard’s pathetic attempts to portray himself, as he did with great success back in those days, as wheelchair-bound, were captured and became an exhibit at Blanchard’s trial.

Because of her swift thinking, Edmonton Police arrived in time to stop him and save her. But it was she who kept herself alive in the first instance.

On the first day she testified at the prelim, she was sleepy, hungry and crabby, upset by the sight of Blanchard and the process; she didn’t want to review the videotaped statement she’d given police after the attack, and kept nodding off. She was exhausted, of course, no more or less than usual for someone who lives on the street.

As Judge Macklin noted in his lengthy decision, “Having listened to her testimony at the preliminar­y inquiry, it is evident that once the complainan­t was rested and fed, she was clear, coherent, lucid and responsive. Her testimony showed her to be both intelligen­t and eloquent.”

And funny; she could be so funny.

Once, when describing how Blanchard had threatened to kill her, she said he said it so casually it was “like I was going to die anyway, like I had some sort of brain disease that you couldn’t cure.”

After a weekend in jail, she was brought back to court to resume her testimony. The first words out of her mouth were, “Hi judge.” In practicall­y the next words she apologized: “I know I was belligeren­t and I do apologize,” she said, adding, “but not to most people, you know,” meaning of course Blanchard.

She reminded the prelim judge, Alberta Provincial Court Judge Raymond Bodnarek, that she had some reason to have been annoyed, that in her first go in the witness stand, he’d called her “Ms. Blanchard” once by mistake.

“Yes,” he said, “and I apologize for that.”

“And I accept that,” the woman replied. “I do accept that.”

She begged not to be sent back to remand. “Because these shackles, and the food over there is ridonculou­s … it’s not a pleasant scene I’m living … And it smells funky.”

The prosecutor resumed her examinatio­n-in-chief, and asked the young woman if she was married.

“Still in the balance of jeopardy right now,” she said, meaning she wasn’t sure.

When the woman curled up in that stairwell, she started singing the old gospel song, This Little Light of Mine, to herself, and as Judge Macklin noted, when she was looking at crime scene pictures, she identified a piece of paper on the floor.

It was a poem she’d written, and, the judge said, kept in her sock “so that in the event it fell out, she cold ‘make someone smile from a distance without knowing … cute little things like that might make life beautiful’.”

Well, she knew a little something about that.

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