Windsor Star


Petition aims to block allowances for mosque


Neighbours have emphatical­ly said “No” to allowing parking one afternoon a week on their residentia­l streets to accommodat­e worshipper­s who stream into Windsor Mosque for prayers each Friday.

Their vehement opposition has left mosque and city officials struggling with a parking crisis with no apparent solution in the trafficsat­urated Dominion Boulevard/ Northwood Street area. Allowing parking from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays — which would add 120 spots — was proposed as a solution once the city moves ahead with its plan to eliminate parking (about 47 spots) on Dominion Boulevard between Northwood and E.C. Row Expressway.

The Friday-only parking proposal appears to be the breaking point for the neighbours, who say they’ve endured ever-intensifyi­ng traffic and parking problems caused by three major institutio­ns in the area — the mosque, Holy Names Catholic high school and Northwood Public School — growing well beyond their capacities.

“It’s not like we’re against the mosque, it’s just that they’re taking the parking off Dominion and dumping it on us,” said Marcello Rose, a McKay Avenue resident for almost 50 years. “It’s not right.”

Residents of 93 of the 122 homes on the affected blocks of five residentia­l streets — Longfellow, McKay, Curry, Everts and Mark — signed petitions opposing the change in parking. That’s 76 per cent, well above the 60 per cent required for the city to take action on a requested parking change, according to a 1987 policy. Rose, who initiated the petition drive, said the parking problems started years ago when the residents fought successful­ly for parking restrictio­ns to prevent high school students from clogging up their streets.

The traffic and parking problems have only worsened in the ensuing years due to increased traffic around the mosque and schools, especially on Fridays, said Pina Mascaro, a 40-year Longfellow resident.

“The situation is very bad, and this (allowing parking) would make it worse,” she said. “It’s a mess. I don’t know what we can do. It’s too much.”

Windsor Mosque president Dr. Abdalla Shamisa said he sympathize­s with the residents who’ve endured increased traffic and parking problems as a result of the mosque’s growing numbers. These days, about 3,500 attend obligatory prayers on Friday. The mosque is so full that prayer services are offered twice during the day.

“There’s no way we want to impose things or upset the neighbours,” he said Friday, calling the parking situation a “major problem” for the mosque.

“We have a dilemma, we have nowhere to go,” he said.

Several residents have asked to speak to the issue Wednesday at a meeting of the city’s environmen­t, transporta­tion and public safety standing committee. However, it looks like new informatio­n will be coming forward and that the matter will be deferred.

“I’m on a tightrope here,” said Ward 10 Coun. Paul Borrelli, describing how he’s trying to address the residents’ and the mosque’s needs.

“They ’re just saying ‘All I need is a few hours parking on the day of worship,’ that sounds reasonable on the one hand,” Borrelli said. “But the residents are saying ‘How about me, I’ve been here 30 or 40 years, I’ve had a nice residentia­l neighbourh­ood and now my quality of life is being impacted.’”

Borrelli has even suggested the mosque add an extra floor to its crowded lot using a new product called the More Park System.

“It’s a real tough situation,” Borrelli said, adding he doesn’t believe the residents’ opposition “has anything to do with prejudice.”

The mosque has bought a vacant lot on the northeast corner of Dominion/Northwood, but Dr. Shamisa said it probably wouldn’t be a good spot for parking because of the problems associated with entering and exiting at such a busy location.

Ultimately, the mosque — now over-capacity — will expand to a second location, Shamisa said, though that won’t solve the immediate problem.

Removing parking from Dominion and adding bike lanes is part of the Central Box plan to relieve traffic issues in South Windsor. Earlier this year council gave the go-ahead for the parking removal, but deferred the thorny issue of allowing parking on Fridays on the nearby residentia­l streets. City engineer Mark Winterton expects a lively debate when the issue comes before the committee and ultimately council.

He said the city would like the “parking generators” in the area “to assist in solving the problem” by providing parking on their own properties.

The mosque has already tried to do that, by purchasing a former church on nearby McKay. It also is grateful to the adjacent high school for helping out with parking. On Friday, with school out, every available parking space at Holy Names was taken, and nearby streets were filled to near-capacity.

Though the parking situation Friday was bad, Rosa’s wife Uga said it’s worse in the fall once school is in.

“I know it’s only one day a week, but you never know when an emergency could arise and you need to get out,” she said.

Dr. Shamisa said whatever decision is made, it’s not going to satisfy everybody.

“We need to reach out to the neighbours, to say ‘We feel your pain, we know when you get home you don’t want the traffic, you don’t want the parking.’”

If the Friday parking isn’t allowed, the mosque will have to find a way to live with it, he said. It may result in increased traffic headaches as worshipper­s drive around in search of available spots, he said.

“It is an issue for everybody and it’s one of the sore things for us we deal with all the time. How can we manage the parking and the traffic?”

I know it’s only one day a week, but you never know when an emergency could arise and you need to get out.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Marcello Rose, who lives on McKay Avenue near Windsor Mosque, has collected the signatures of neighbourh­ood residents opposed to allowing parking on their streets to accommodat­e worshipper­s at the mosque’s Friday prayer services.
Marcello Rose, who lives on McKay Avenue near Windsor Mosque, has collected the signatures of neighbourh­ood residents opposed to allowing parking on their streets to accommodat­e worshipper­s at the mosque’s Friday prayer services.
 ??  ?? Parked cars form a long line on Dominion Boulevard near Northwood Street on Friday.
Parked cars form a long line on Dominion Boulevard near Northwood Street on Friday.

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