Windsor Star



Harington’s strategy is straight out of the WeissBenio­ff playbook: Tell people stuff they already know and hope they tune out.

To wit: When asked by Entertainm­ent Weekly about potential tension between Jon Snow and Sansa, he said, “There are the same problems — she questions his decisions and command; he doesn’t listen to her. But as far as where that goes or takes them or how dark it can get, we’ll see. It gets past sibling squabbling, it gets into two people power struggling.”

Fascinatin­g. Really, please go on.

“It’s a nice change for me this season, he talks more, he’s more sure of himself,” he said. “He doesn’t just know what he’s got to do but he’s more sure of what he’s saying — whereas before there was always some fear and doubt. I’ve gotten to enjoy not just grunting.”

Yawn. What were you saying again? Headey was delightful­ly Cersei-ish when The New York Times asked her about next season.

“Um, she’s not having a good time — there you go,” she told the interviewe­r. “Apparently winter is really coming, finally.”

Finally is right. What she didn’t give up about season 7, she more than made up for with a wonderfull­y bizarre story about a nurse chanting “shame, shame, shame” while trying to help Headey breastfeed just after her baby was born.

“I was flying on morphine, so it was sort of funny,” she said. “Had I been vaguely in the world, I might have been more offended.”

If Cersei’s skills are anything like Headey’s interview abilities, she’ll be on the Iron Throne for a long time to come.

Game of Thrones

Season 7 debuts Sunday, HBO

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