Windsor Star

Parents of children with disabiliti­es hold rally

Want province to streamline help


Windsor’s Mary Beth Rocheleau struggles to provide round-theclock care for her 16-year-old son, Gregory, who has severe disabiliti­es.

“It’s horrendous,” Rocheleau said. “But I wonder what will happen to him if I die. Where will he go? Who will look after him? I’ve heard stories of kids having to go into nursing homes and even homeless shelters. It’s really a scary thought.”

The single mom struggles to work her full-time, shift-work job, while also scheduling a caregiver for her son. It’s not only financiall­y frustratin­g, but it takes a toll emotionall­y. Currently, Gregory qualifies for Special Services at Home, a government program that provides a little bit of funding to families with disabled children under the age of 18. But, Rocheleau still struggles financiall­y.

Once Gregory turns 18, funding will be cut off until he qualifies for the Passport Program, which has a five-year wait. Rocheleau will also have to apply for the Ontario Disability Support Program, which provides up to $1,100 a month for expenses, including shelter, food and drug and vision care.

“It really is a huge stress for families,” she said. “I know people who have had to sell their homes and quit their jobs to be able to take care of their children with disabiliti­es. It’s financiall­y, mentally, emotionall­y and physically exhausting.”

Rocheleau created Parents of Adult Children with Disabiliti­es Advocacy and Support Group Windsor to push the government to streamline the process and get rid of the wait list for the Passport Program. On Sept. 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Rocheleau’s group will be holding a rally at the Ministry of Community and Social Services office at 270 Erie St. E. in Essex.

“I just really want to make Ontario a better place for people with disabiliti­es,” Rocheleau said. “I want it for all of us, not just for Gregory.

“The rally is called Nowhere to Turn.

“That’s exactly how we all feel.”

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