Windsor Star

RENEW helps cancer survivors to move on


A cancer diagnosis is a difficult thing to handle, but for many having undergone chemothera­py, facing the future as a survivor is even scarier.

“For many people, there is the question of what is next and what is normal now,” said Christina Stergiou, Windsor Regional Hospital’s manager of psychosoci­al oncology and education. “They have all these questions about what to expect. They have a bunch of emotional concerns and, of course, the fear of a recurrence.”

To help cancer survivors move on to the next phase of their lives, Windsor Regional Hospital offers RENEW (Resources, Education, Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness). RENEW is a two-part program with a five-week education series followed by eight weeks of exercise for patients who have completed active treatment and are moving toward a life beyond cancer.

The free, five-week education series starts on Sept. 21 and runs Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The sessions provide informatio­n and support to patients who have had cancer, family members and caregivers.

Following the education series, the RENEW eight-week Back to Fitness program kicks off Oct. 17. The program costs $30 and is offered twice a week every Tuesday and Thursday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. until Dec. 7. A physician clearance is required to participat­e.

“A lot of times when a patient is finished treatment they almost feel lost,” Stergiou said. “This program is helpful to get them to the next level.”

Register at www.renewfall2­ or call 519-253-5253.

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