Windsor Star

Seeking solutions for Sandwich


Recent Windsor Star articles on the boarded up houses in Sandwich have, in my opinion, highlighte­d one of our main hurdles in facing this issue. We are focused on assigning blame for the blight in our community when we could be brainstorm­ing possible solutions to our current problems.

I have been a Sandwich resident since 2004 and my home faces two of the infamous boarded ones. One of them is presently being used as a raccoon motel. Sure, my calls to the bridge company may have increased the frequency of lawn mowing and security drive-bys, but raccoons continue to book short stays in a roof overlookin­g an unofficial neighbourh­ood playground.

Lately, I have wondered if collective action leading to substantia­l change is possible in Olde Sandwich Towne. I am not suggesting a “boarded up coalition” of yesteryear, which narrowly pushes one agenda.

Rather, I envision an organized network linking Sandwich residents and stakeholde­rs which supports and amplifies the unheard voices of our vulnerable community. Can we finally leave the blame game for the courts and work together on solutions?

Perhaps a handful of residents and community leaders can collaborat­e to create such a forum by organizing a platform for interested residents to share their opinions and needs, and by helping to get those ideas heard by key change agents and local government.

Here is my attempt at change. I have created the email address, sandwich. I invite all concerned Sandwich residents and stakeholde­rs to contact me with their answers to the following three questions: What problems do you face as a resident of Olde Sandwich Towne? Can you list potential solutions to these problems? What strengths does this community possess?

Let’s start a positive conversati­on about change in our community and see where it takes us. Phil West, Windsor

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