Windsor Star

Passionate Dramatizat­ion of Jane Eyre

- by A.H. Ball

University Players is launching its 59th season with Charlotte Brontë’s literary classic, Jane Eyre, in an innovative adaptation for the stage by Polly Teale.

In the novel, Jane is abused, plain and poor, and must lock away her passionate emotions to conform to expectatio­ns of repressed Victorian society. Alone and left with few options, she becomes a lowly governess, falling in love with Mr. Rochester, the master of Thornfield Hall. Director Brian Taylor is confident that anyone who read the book will find the play both very true to the novel yet very condensed.

Much of the play’s dialogue is directly from the book and Teale’s adaptation focuses on Jane’s suppressio­n of her natural desires, bringing the interior life of the novel onto the stage. It beautifull­y captures the stormy relationsh­ips between Mr. Rochester and Jane, and Jane’s passionate inner self. Compelling, sensual and stark, it is a treat for Brontë fans and neophytes alike.

“The young company performing in this demanding production has grown during rehearsals, and what you’ll see is the product of four years of intensive training,” says Taylor. University Players’ production­s have a reputation for their high quality but Taylor thinks the actors have “really come up aces on this one.” Eight actors play 27 distinct characters. “The images are striking and it takes both physical commitment and inspired imaginatio­n to bring Polly Teale’s writing to life. The gifts of each of these actors create the world of Jane Eyre.”

Jane Eyre is playing now through October 1 at Essex Hall Theatre on the University of Windsor campus. Wednesday through Saturday performanc­es are at 8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m. Tickets are $8 to $22 and can be purchased online at www.University­ or by calling 519-253-3000 ext. 2808.

 ?? Photo by Doug MacLellan. ?? Lauren Fields, Alicia Plummer and Cole Reid in University Players’ production of Jane Eyre
Photo by Doug MacLellan. Lauren Fields, Alicia Plummer and Cole Reid in University Players’ production of Jane Eyre

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