Windsor Star


It’s time-consuming and requires patience, but room will appear lighter and brighter


Years ago, my husband and I bought our first house in upstate New York: a 1930s cottage with small rooms, low ceilings and mediocre wood floors.

I knew the best way to lighten up the rooms and make the whole house look bigger was to paint the floors white. Our contractor expressed nervous doubt. He, like many traditiona­lists, thought that painting the wood — despite its inferiorit­y — was sacrilege.

What he may not have known was that there is a long tradition of painting wood floors.

Throughout the Gustavian period, from about 1780 to 1810, Swedes painted floors to mimic ornate parquetry and expensive Italian marble floors, a practice that had an added benefit: The painted floors were lighter in colour, so the rooms appeared brighter.

Painted floors were also common in American homes during the 19th century because the paint acted as a sealant on soft pine floors.

But painting floors had a decorative purpose as well: Common in American homes throughout the 18th and 19th centuries were floors stencilled with intricate patterns meant to resemble expensive European wool and silk woven carpets.

We sold our cottage about seven years ago, and although my decorating taste has changed, my love of painted floors has not.

In our current house, I had a more ambitious floorpaint­ing plan, one that required a profession­al. My search led me to decorative painter and artist James Alan Smith, who began his career as an apprentice for muralist, decorative painter and interior designer Richard Lowell Neas. Smith teaches at the Isabel O’Neil Studio Workshop in New York and travels across the U.S. painting floors and murals. He graciously shared some of his floor-painting tips. Painting floors is time-consuming and takes patience. Smith cautions that the most important step in the process is waiting long enough between coats for curing.

Start by removing everything from the room. Then sand the floors. This is messy, and although you can rent the necessary equipment, it’s worth having a profession­al do it. Once the floor is sanded and cleaned of dust, Smith coats the floor with a white pigmented oilbased primer and lets it cure for a day. He then applies two base coats of Benjamin Moore’s oil-based Satin Impervo in whatever colour the client wishes, again allowing the paint to cure overnight between applicatio­ns.

Once the floor is dry, Smith layers on whatever stencil, pattern or design the client wants using acrylic paints (his favourites are by Golden), which dry in an hour.

The easiest — and most popular — pattern for DIYers, according to Smith, is the classic checkerboa­rd. He says the trick is to paint the checkerboa­rd squares on a diagonal because it “hides a lot of the ins and outs, nooks and crannies, and imperfecti­ons of the room.” Painting the checkerboa­rd on a diagonal also gives the illusion that your room is bigger. Smith cautions against adding a border to the room because it confines the space. It’s much better to let pattern run through the baseboard.

Smith starts the checkerboa­rd by picking a centre point in the room, which may not be the exact centre. Smith says you want to play off what you feel is the centre of the room, which is typically related to the main architectu­ral element, such as a fireplace.

Smith marks that point on the floor with intersecti­ng horizontal and vertical lines. Then, using a square template made from mat board, he works from the centre point, marking squares on the floor in pencil. Smith uses square templates that range from 16 to 22 inches (40.7 to 55.9 cm), but he never uses a 12-inch (30.5-cm) square — he says that size ends up looking like linoleum.

Once the checkerboa­rd is outlined, Smith uses low-tack 3M blue tape to tape off alternatin­g squares. (Smith suggests taping off only as much as you can paint in a day because he says it’s better to not leave the tape on overnight, as it can still pull up the paint.) He then paints alternatin­g squares in whatever colour the client has chosen.

The final step, whether you are painting a solid floor or a patterned floor, is to apply a water-based polyuretha­ne. Smith suggests letting the polyuretha­ne cure 24 hours before light traffic and seven days before moving furniture back into the room.

Painted floors are no different from any finished floor in terms of durability — they are covered in poly. And many who choose this look like that they show some wear — it adds to the charm.

 ?? ANNIE SCHLECHTER ?? The author hired artist James Alan Smith to paint this floor in her apartment. Smith says the most important step in the floor-painting process is waiting long enough between coats for curing.
ANNIE SCHLECHTER The author hired artist James Alan Smith to paint this floor in her apartment. Smith says the most important step in the floor-painting process is waiting long enough between coats for curing.

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