Windsor Star

Use pencil eraser on suede jacket

Also: Tips on firing up a wood-burning fireplace, homemade garlic butter recipe


Q I have two flannel-backed vinyl tablecloth­s. They were obviously wrapped in tight plastic packaging for a long time, because they have a lot of deep creases. What methods would you recommend I use to remove the creases without melting the vinyl?

A Fill a bathtub with cool water. Soak the tablecloth­s in the tub for a couple of hours to drench the creases. Hang tablecloth­s to dry. If creases persist, cover folds with a damp tea towel and iron on low setting to remove creases.

Q I own a suede jacket that has a big dirt mark on the sleeve, because I fell on my elbow into a puddle. I also have a few scuff marks on the opposite sleeve. What should I use to clean the area?

A Hope you are not hurt from the fall! Get rid of scuff marks by rubbing the marks with a pencil eraser, and then wiping the nap with your nail brush. Sprinkle the suede fabric with baking soda, and then brush the nap back and forth with a damp nail brush. If the suede is a synthetic fabric, you will be able to clean it with plain old water and dish soap. Rinse and let dry.

Q We moved into an old home and we are excited to use the wood burning fireplace. What do we need to do before we use it, so that we don’t burn down the house? Any tips?

A Before lighting your first fire, inspect the chimney exterior for broken bricks or crumbling mortar. Shine a light inside the chimney and be on the lookout for bird’s nests and cracks. Check to make sure that the damper opens and closes properly. Clean the chimney, and any loose ash or contact a profession­al for seasonal maintenanc­e. Retailers also sell chimney sweeping logs which are designed to reduce and treat creosote buildup. Extra tip: It is also important to note that the wood you burn in your fireplace should be seasoned for at least one year before use. Properly seasoned wood burns hotter and creates less creosote.

Q Can you please give me a simple recipe for homemade garlic butter?

A For the easiest garlic butter recipe, stir together: 1 cup (250 mL) softened butter with 1 tbsp (15 mL) garlic powder. But for garlic butter with a kick, try the following recipe. Into a bowl stir together: One cup (250 mL) softened butter, 1 tbsp (15 mL) minced garlic, 1 tsp (5 mL) garlic salt, 1/4 cup (60 mL) grated Parmesan cheese, 1 tsp (5 mL) Italian seasoning salt, 1/4 tsp (1 mL) black pepper and 1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) paprika. Spread on bread before toasting. Store remainder in a sealed container in the fridge. FEEDBACK FROM LOYAL READERS Re: Cleaning dog fur off upholstery. Purchase a cat hair brush (not the wire ones). I brush my rugs, couch, cloth chairs — you name it. Nothing works better. Submitted by: Rekha

Re: Prevent S.O.S pads from rusting. Store S.O.S pads in a small container in the freezer to prevent them from rusting. The frozen pad cleans better and faster because it is stiffer. Submitted By: CEC GOOD IDEAS!

I crocheted a reusable Swiffer ■ cover for my mop. It works well and there are many different patterns available online. Great Christmas gift because they are easy to make. Submitted by: Karenna

My exterior festive greenery ■ display is perfect for fall and winter, all I change are some of the plant colours. This year I filled my wooden wheelbarro­w with plastic container pots and then with eucalyptus, fresh greenery and holly on branches. The display is a welcoming addition to my home and sits right beside my front door. Submitted by: Sharon

We had a dripping faucet, it was ■ the weekend, and the plumber was scheduled for Monday. To quiet the faucet, I took a piece of dental floss and tied it around the spout so that the water would drip down the floss and not keep us awake at night. Submitted by: Jean-Luc

Reena Nerbas is a popular motivation­al presenter for large and small groups; check out her website — — to ask a question or share a tip. Disclaimer: Every user assumes all risks of injury or damage resulting from the implementa­tion of any suggestion­s in this column. Test all products on an inconspicu­ous area first.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? A pencil eraser can help get rid of scuff marks on suede jackets.
GETTY IMAGES/ ISTOCKPHOT­O A pencil eraser can help get rid of scuff marks on suede jackets.
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