Windsor Star

Study details violence faced by hospital workers


Violence against health-care workers is pervasive within the walls of hospitals across Ontario, suggests a study by two University of Windsor researcher­s who examined the experience­s of nurses, personal support workers and other staff.

Margaret Keith and Jim Brophy, occupation­al and environmen­tal health researcher­s at the University of Windsor, conducted focus-group interviews with more than 50 hospital staff members who had experience­d verbal, physical or sexual assault, mostly perpetrate­d by patients.

“There were terrible physical

traumas, people whose lives have been changed forever, people with post-concussion syndrome, people whose faces had been smashed and they now are disfigured,” Keith said.

“We spoke to a nurse who had — all in separate incidents — a fractured leg, a fractured arm, a deep bite wound, a stab wound.

“And these were not unusual stories,” added Keith, noting that research shows such assaults take place in institutio­ns across Canada and in other developed nations.

The health-care workers who participat­ed in the study came from “every one of the major regions in the province,” Keith said. The researcher­s kept the names and location of the workers private because many of them feared reprisals.

Violent incidents can occur in virtually any part of a hospital, perpetrate­d by patients and even by visiting family members. While attacks often involve patients with psychiatri­c issues or those high on illicit drugs, they also can occur when patients frustrated by long waits and what they see as inadequate care react with abuse or violence, research shows.

In fact, said Keith, there seems to be a culture within the hospital system that has “normalized” violence as just being part of the job.

“Somehow people have been told in a lot of ways that they are to expect this sort of treatment,” she said.

“But what I see, looking at it in a broader way, is it’s very similar to what’s coming out now in Hollywood, that there’s this culture of silence and shame,” Keith added, referring in particular to women who long kept quiet about being sexually victimized by powerful men in the film industry.

Brophy said the number of incidents is vastly under-reported because many health workers who have experience­d violence said they are afraid of reprisals from hospital management if they speak up.

“Even when the incidents were reported, there was very little action taken to remediate the situation to prevent it from happening again,” he said.

During the focus groups, many workers were in tears as they relived their experience­s of being assaulted, Keith said.

“One of the things that came out is they received so little support,” she said.

“It was really different from one community to another, one facility to another.

“There were some people who said they had had very sympatheti­c supervisor­s who helped to support them through that difficult postincide­nt period, but I would say the majority felt that they got no support and, in fact, it was the opposite.”

Many participan­ts reported that when they were debriefed by managers about an attack, they felt as if they were being blamed, she said.

“The first question was: ‘What did you do? How did you provoke this incident?’ which compounded the trauma that they felt.”

In every focus group, Brophy added, there was a consensus that understaff­ing due to reduced funding to the health-care system had “set the stage for this toxic environmen­t.”

The study, entitled Assaulted and Unheard: Violence Against Healthcare Staff, is published in the Journal of Environmen­tal and Occupation­al Health Policy. The research was initiated by the Canadian Union of Public Employees through its Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU).

An OCHU poll of almost 2,000 members earlier this month found 68 per cent reported being physically assaulted while on the job in the previous 12 months, with 20 per cent saying they had been assaulted at least 10 times over the same period.

The union has been in contract negotiatio­ns with the Ontario Hospital Associatio­n, but talks stalled in September, with workplace violence a major sticking point.

An OHA spokespers­on was not available to comment on the study, but in an emailed statement, the organizati­on said the health and safety of employees is a priority and it takes “the concerns brought forward very seriously.”

“While we know that the work performed by health-care providers is often challengin­g and demanding, acts of violence are never accepted as something that staff members should expect to face within the workplace,” the OHA said.

Doris Grinspun, CEO of the Registered Nurses’ Associatio­n of Ontario (RNAO), said this is not the first study to highlight the issue, yet the devastatin­g effects of violence in the workplace continue.

“In fact, the biggest (workplace) hazard for which front-line healthcare workers are exposed is violence,” she said.

 ?? NICK BRANCACCIO/FILES ?? University of Windsor researcher­s Jim Brophy and Margaret Keith, pictured in 2012, have completed a study that shows many health-care workers suffer abuse at Ontario hospitals.
NICK BRANCACCIO/FILES University of Windsor researcher­s Jim Brophy and Margaret Keith, pictured in 2012, have completed a study that shows many health-care workers suffer abuse at Ontario hospitals.

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