Windsor Star

Make family time a holiday priority


As I find myself almost ready to take the plunge into the dreadful Christmas season and upcoming shopping, I find myself wondering why I do this every year?

I dread Christmas every year. I used to enjoy it, and since becoming an adult, it’s not as magical as it once was. It is far too much about how much you spend and not about the real meaning of Christmas.

As we are not a religious family, we should stop and enjoy each other. Life happens so quick and before you know it, life has passed by.

My family has had an absolutely horrible year, my father being diagnosed with cancer in the spring and fighting this horrible disease. To me, every day we get to spend with him should be a blessing. This year, Christmas should be about spending such valuable time with each other and less about the gifts.

As years go on, it gets harder to get everyone together on the same day. As kids get older and have spouses, then grandkids and time has to be spent with everyone.

This year, like the last few years, my husband and I are waking up to just ourselves again — wondering when the kids and grandkids can fit us in. It makes me sad and just wish things were simpler.

When we all could gather for a few days, we would spend much-needed time as a family, whether it’s enjoying the outdoors, baking or cooking, sitting around the dining room table playing cards and talking. Why have things changed so much? I can’t even begin to imagine what it will be like in 20 or 30 years.

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and health. May you have a wonderful holiday season filled with love and family. Kennie-lyn Adam, Harrow

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