Windsor Star

Skylar region’s first baby of 2018

Parents welcome baby girl who weighed in a healthy 8 lbs, 6 oz


Skylar Louise Quiring Abbott was determined to be the first baby born in 2018 in Windsor-Essex County.

Skylar was born New Year’s Day at 2:22 a.m. at Windsor Regional Hospital’s Met Campus to parents Christina Quiring, 20, and Andrew Wallace-Abbott, 22. Even though she was due on Saturday, it took until Sunday for Skylar to give her parents an indication she was ready to come into the world.

“We were here (at the hospital) on Sunday night because she was having bad contractio­ns,” Wallace-Abbott said. “We stayed for a couple (of ) hours and then went back home.”

Early Monday, the contractio­ns resumed, but Quiring didn’t want to head back to the hospital for fear of it being another false call. Finally, the pain grew intense and the decision was made to go back to the hospital.

“All of a sudden, she said, ‘OK, we have to go,’ ” Wallace-Abbott said. “So we got to the hospital and she was already six centimetre­s dilated.”

Quiring was admittedly a little scared since it was her first baby, but she said the staff at the hospital helped to calm her.

“I’m excited, she’s as cute as ever and I couldn’t be happier,” she said later in the day Monday. “It was really long. We got here at 4 p.m. on Sunday and I didn’t have her until 2:22 a.m. I’m really tired but happy.”

Skylar Louise Quiring Abbott weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces. Her family claims a gift basket for having the first baby of the new year. The bag is filled with items from the hospital’s gift shop and the hand-knitted bunting blankets and bonnets came courtesy of the Rotary Knitters The second baby was born at 4:56 a.m.

 ?? DAN JANISSE ?? The region’s first baby of the year was born on Monday at 2:22 a.m. Skylar Louise Quiring Abbott was born to proud parents Andrew Wallace-Abbott and Christina Quiring at the Windsor Regional Hospital Met Campus.
DAN JANISSE The region’s first baby of the year was born on Monday at 2:22 a.m. Skylar Louise Quiring Abbott was born to proud parents Andrew Wallace-Abbott and Christina Quiring at the Windsor Regional Hospital Met Campus.

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