Windsor Star




Anti-government protests in Iran have turned increasing­ly violent with the deaths of 12 demonstrat­ors and a police officer, raising the stakes as unrest on the streets has raged now for five days and confounded leaders who have struggled to respond.

The protests have been stunning in their ferocity and geographic reach, spreading to far-flung towns and cities that are stronghold­s of the middleand working-class.

Iranian state television aired footage of a ransacked private bank, broken windows, overturned cars and a firetruck that appeared to have been set ablaze.

The demonstrat­ors themselves appeared Monday to be leaderless, and their demands diffuse, ranging from better living conditions to more political freedoms and even an end to the Islamic Republic. Their chants and attacks on government buildings broke taboos in a system that brooks little dissent. The demonstrat­ions were the boldest challenge to government authority since a prodemocra­cy revolt in 2009.

On Sunday, Iran blocked access to Instagram and the popular messaging app Telegram used by activists to organize.

The prospect of a harsher response from security forces, whose brutality is notorious, raised fears of further violence in a country buffeted by conflict elsewhere in the region. Iran has sent cash, weapons and fighters to prop up proxies and allies from Syria to Lebanon and Gaza — and that, too, has become a focus of the protests. The country’s expensive foreign policy adventures were scorned as some demonstrat­ors chanted, “Leave Syria, think about us!”

At least 10 people were killed overnight, in what state media said Monday were clashes between police and “armed protesters” who had attempted to infiltrate security outposts. The demonstrat­ors were from provincial areas in the south and southweste­rn parts of the country, including both impoverish­ed and oil-producing regions.

One police officer was killed and three others wounded by a gunman in the city of Najafabad, about 300 kilometres south of Tehran, according to state media reports.

Earlier, activists had said that two demonstrat­ors were shot and killed Saturday during peaceful protests.

Videos circulated online of protesters fleeing tear gas and water cannons, while others confronted police. On Monday, demonstrat­ors again gathered in Tehran, as well as an array of provincial cities, including Kermanshah in the west and Shiraz in central Iran, according to reports on social media. They chanted “Death to the dictator!” — referring to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei — and called on security forces to join them.

This brought a strong rebuke from the country’s judicial chief. “I demand all prosecutor­s across the country to get involved,” said Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, the Associated Press reported. Their “approach should be strong,” he said.

“When it comes to regime survival, Khamenei calls the shots,” Cliff Kupchan, chairman of a political risk firm called Eurasia Group, said in a briefing note. “And he’s got a lot of loyal and ruthless troops at his disposal.”

The unrest began Thursday in the northern city of Mashhad over price hikes and other economic woes. Iran’s economy had been battered by years of U.S. and internatio­nal sanctions, which isolated the Islamic Republic for its nuclear program. Many of those sanctions were lifted as part of a nuclear deal with world powers in 2015, but few Iranians have benefited from the relief.

In contrast to the 2009 uprising — which challenged the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d, and was driven primarily by Tehran’s educated elite — the current protests have occurred throughout the country and in traditiona­l government stronghold­s.

The pro-reform figures associated with the 2009 revolt — some of whom remain under house arrest — have been noticeably absent from the political scene since the new protests began. Demonstrat­ors, too, have refrained from calling for the release of those figures and some of Iran’s most well-known opposition leaders.

The “protesters have either become more radicalize­d in their demands and/or simply don’t belong to the generation that experience­d the events of 2009 as adults,” Mohammad Ali Shabani, editor of Iran coverage at the online news portal Al-Monitor, wrote Sunday.

Iran’s economy has grown since the nuclear deal thanks to resumed oil exports — Iran is a major OPEC power — but non-oil sector growth has sagged.

Inflation is on the rise and unemployme­nt high — at an official rate of 11.7 per cent. Youth unemployme­nt is significan­tly higher, at 24.4 per cent, the government-run Statistica­l Center of Iran said.

Young Iranians are highly educated and more modern than previous generation­s, and have grown frustrated by the political and economic constraint­s that have kept them from achieving better lifestyles.

“There is a wide and perhaps growing disconnect with political elites,” Shabani wrote.

U.S. President Donald Trump posted Monday on Twitter that Iran “is failing at every level” and that repressed Iranians “are hungry for food & freedom.”

“Along with human rights, the wealth of Iran is being looted,” Trump tweeted. “TIME FOR CHANGE!”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video posted to YouTube on Monday that the protesters sought freedom, justice and “the basic liberties that have been denied to them for decades.”

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? An Iranian woman raises her fist amid the smoke of tear gas at the University of Tehran in the country’s capital during a protest on Saturday.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS An Iranian woman raises her fist amid the smoke of tear gas at the University of Tehran in the country’s capital during a protest on Saturday.

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