Windsor Star

The many, winding paths of Joshua Boyle



What a collective exhale of I-told-youso and I-knew-something-was-wrong. When Joshua Boyle was arrested New Year’s Day on charges of assault, sexual assault, forcible confinemen­t, drugging, uttering death threats and misleading police, the news hit as an alarming coda to the strangest of stories.

Not that this specific developmen­t was expected, but that something — anything — might begin to explain the inexplicab­le, might unravel the couple’s bizarre circumstan­ce; something potentiall­y revealing about Boyle, and his personalit­y in particular, that brought him into the limelight.

There is certainly a lot about Joshua Boyle screaming for explicatio­n.

A wannabe spy for CSIS, raised in a rural, devoutly Christian southern Ontario home, the son of a federal court judge, who married and then divorced Zaynab Khadr, who once lived in Osama bin Laden’s compound in Afghanista­n, is only the start of his unusual attributes. His harrowing ordeal — taking his pregnant second bride, an American whom he met through a Star Wars gaming forum, backpackin­g through unstable Afghanista­n where they were abducted and held hostage for five years until their rescue in October — is more perplexing still.

And now his arrest, on allegation­s that span the time since his return to Canada, less than two weeks after the Boyle family’s cheery visit with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, caps the intrigue.

His wife, Caitlan Coleman, 32, pointed to trauma from their captivity on his mental state as something of a trigger on the unproven charges and the court system has only just started to wade through the evidence.

Joshua Ainsley Boyle was born the son of Linda Boyle and Patrick Boyle, a longtime tax lawyer with a leading law firm who was appointed a judge in the Tax Court of Canada in 2007 by the Conservati­ve government.

Boyle was home-schooled in Breslau, Ont., about 100 kilometres west of Toronto, before attending a small, private Christian high school in nearby Kitchener. Rockway Mennonite Collegiate blends “sound academic learning” with “a passion for peacemakin­g and service to God,” according to the school’s website.

Boyle’s yearbook photo in 2002 shows him with unfashiona­bly long hair and a reserved smile. Staff and former classmates described him as a quiet and creative student with good grades, when speaking to a reporter with the Waterloo Record.

In his yearbook, Boyle’s chosen quotation oozed with teen pomposity: “When I was young I discovered I was neither God nor Satan. I was so disappoint­ed in myself, I never bothered to narrow it down any further.”

An old friend described Boyle as “charismati­c, principled, and passionate about his causes.”

Alex Edwards said after the 9/11 terror attacks in 2001, Boyle had become interested in extremists. Not so about much their ideology but the people behind them.

“He wrote about Nazis, terrorists, and killers, not because he sympathize­d with them, but because he thought it was important for people to understand them.

He hated that people could be reduced to sound bites and caricature­s, because “that’s the point where critical thinking stops,” Edwards wrote. He declined to be interviewe­d this week given Boyle’s charges.

The same Star Wars gaming forum where Edwards and Boyle met, also brought Caitlan Coleman and Boyle together. Both of them joined The Jedi Council Forum in 2000 and were active participan­ts for years.

Boyle and Coleman had much in common. She grew up in Stewartsto­wn, Pa., a small, rural community west of Philadelph­ia. She was also home-schooled by a devout Christian family and both were considered nerds, into Star Wars, computer games and science fiction.

Boyle, using the name JediWarrio­r, was something of a forum troll, but a knowledgea­ble and engaging one. Forum administra­tors said he was not their favourite contributo­r.

In 2005, in a forum thread titled “Girls Gone Wild Baghdad,” Boyle baits members, saying they should be more like him — “reading a lot of books, studying a lot of religion, talking to a lot of different people.” He insulted members for their “ignorance and stereotypi­ng.”

In 2005, when Boyle was finishing Liberal Studies at the University of Waterloo, Boyle and Coleman presented themselves in the forum as being sexually involved. In 2007, Coleman left Pennsylvan­ia to join Boyle in Toronto.

“I’m not running away from my life here, but I recognize life is guiding me in a new direction, Coleman wrote in a 2007 blog. “I’ve always dreamed of seeing the world ... For the first time in a very humdrum life the winds of change have been blowing, I am not about to stand against them.”

She joined Boyle in June 2007 at his small, unkempt apartment she called “Josh’s cave.”

By then, Boyle seemed to be developing something of an obsession with the Khadr family. It was the war on terrorism that brought Boyle into the Khadr fold.

The so-called Toronto 18 case was electric. Sweeping police raids on June 2, 2006, nabbed 18 people accused of planning spectacula­r terrorist acts, including detonating truck bombs, shooting into crowds, storming the Parliament buildings and beheading Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Arriving to support the families of the accused at a Brampton, Ont., courthouse was Zaynab Khadr and her mother, Maha Elsamnah. Zaynab is the eldest daughter of Ahmed Said Khadr, an al-Qaida member, and the family had spent years in Afghanista­n, including in Osama bin Laden’s compound.

At a time when Boyle’s employment seemed itinerant — there are accounts of him working as a parking lot attendant and in the University of Toronto’s library — Boyle started coming to court as well, friends said. He was solicitous and fawning to the Khadrs.

“He was hanging around the court, hanging out inside the courtroom, ingratiati­ng himself with Zaynab and her mother,” a Khadr friend said.

The Khadr family were told Boyle had previously applied to join the Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service, Canada’s spy agency. It made their supporters distrustfu­l of his motives.

Despite suspicions and warnings, Zaynab Khadr became close to Boyle. He said he planned to write a book about the Khadrs, an inside account with the assistance and support of some of the family. Khadr gave him documents and material to help him.

“It was pretty worrying,” said a family friend. “He was looking not to join the Islamic faith, but as a way to get informatio­n from Zaynab about the Khadrs. I didn’t trust him from start to finish,” said another.

Their relationsh­ip continued to grow. They were married in early 2009. Her wedding to Boyle was different from Zaynab’s previous two arranged marriages, including one attended by bin Laden.

Their relationsh­ip was not publicly known until a mysterious break-in and shooting at the home of Boyle’s parents in 2009.

The investigat­ion revealed the connection and it was seen as a possible motive for the theft. It is believed the material stolen from Boyle’s home were Khadr documents given to Boyle for his book.

His unexpected connection to the Khadrs made him an instant person of interest to the media.

“I love research,” Boyle said in 2009 in an interview with the Globe and Mail after his marriage was revealed. “Anything related to terrorism on Wikipedia, I wrote, pretty much.”

The Post has discovered that as a Wikipedia editor, Boyle made 809 edits to the online entry on Omar Khadr, Zaynab’s brother, and 377 to Ahmed Said Khadr, Zaynab’s father, his two most active page edits. His third most active interest was Charles Whitman, an American mass murderer known as the “Texas Tower Sniper” and his fourth the Wikipedia entry on Ahnenerbe, a Nazi Germany project to research the history of the Aryan race.

In 2008, Boyle also uploaded personal photos of the Khadr family to Wikipedia.

Boyle said it was his interest in researchin­g and contributi­ng to the open-source web encycloped­ia that led him to send an introducto­ry email to Zaynab in 2008, he told the Globe in the interview, an account at odds with those who remember him as a hanger-on at the 2006 Toronto 18 hearings.

Their marriage ended 18 months later. Boyle wanted a more subservien­t spouse than Zaynab Khadr would accommodat­e, family friends said, and their relationsh­ip crumbled.

Boyle and Khadr applied for divorce on Dec. 9, 2010, according to court records. The unconteste­d divorce was granted March 18, 2011.

It is not known precisely how or when Boyle’s relationsh­ip with Coleman was rekindled, but the two married soon after Boyle’s divorce was finalized.

Before Boyle and Coleman left on their odyssey in Afghanista­n, they landed in what could hardly have been a more different place — the New Brunswick village of Perth-Andover.

They moved into a rundown bungalow, apparently bought by his father, on the outskirts of the pretty Appalachia­n Mountains community, and Boyle found work at the Thing5 call centre, fielding hotel-reservatio­n requests, says neighbour Andrew Brown.

Boyle kept largely to himself, making little impression on the town of 1,600 people, local residents say.

Boyle was sporting “a great big beard, bushy hair,” Brown said.

Co-workers said he had converted or was converting to Islam, according to a 2013 news release issued by Terry Ritchie, then the mayor of Perth-Andover, during the couple’s captivity.

“Josh kept a prayer rug rolled up in the basement of the call centre where he was an employee for less than a year,” Ritchie wrote. “He was given special breaks from his job as a customer service representa­tive to pray at appropriat­e times, co-workers say.”

Boyle recently mused that he might return to PerthAndov­er, but Brown said he may not be welcome — not because of his links to the Khadrs or his strange odyssey, but if he is found guilty of sex offences.

“The community itself will not allow it,” Brown said.

The couple spent a few months in Central America before heading to Asia in July 2012. They travelled through Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan.

Richard Cronin, a British backpacker and adventurer, met Boyle and Coleman in a hostel in Kyrgyzstan in November 2012, when the couple was planning to head southwest into Afghanista­n, Cronin wrote in his blog. Boyle rhapsodize­d about his plan, comparing the opportunit­y to Lawrence of Arabia and British explorer Richard Burton, famous for travelling to Mecca in disguise when Europeans were forbidden to visit.

Boyle said the window to visit was closing because the security situation would only get worse, Cronin wrote.

Their last contact with family was an email on Oct. 8, 2012, saying they were in an “unsafe” area of Afghanista­n. Withdrawal­s were made from their bank account that day, and the next, from Kabul. Then they vanished.

In 2013, their families were shown two video messages from the couple being held captive by the Talibanlin­ked Haqqani network, a brutal, militant organizati­on. In them, they ask for the U.S. government to free them and their baby.

The couple said the family was abused, beaten, Coleman raped, one of her pregnancie­s involuntar­ily terminated, moved often, and their three children born in captivity.

In 2016, two videos of the family were posted on YouTube. The couple was barely recognizab­le. Both had lost weight and looked weary and pale. Boyle in one looked particular­ly gaunt. They urged all government­s to work together to secure their freedom.

The Boyle-Coleman family’s freedom came after interventi­on from the Pakistani military. They were recovered from the trunk of a “luxury SUV,” after a car chase and shooting, he told Maclean’s.

The couple arrived back in Canada at Toronto’s Pearson airport on Oct. 13, with their three young children. After release, they first stayed at the Boyle family home in Smiths Falls, Ont. The public was entranced and perplexed.

Boyle’s ability to make odd statements continued in the weeks ahead. In a recent interview with Maclean’s magazine he said they had to leave his parent’s small home because “it was intolerabl­e.”

Signs of Boyle’s controllin­g nature emerged during Maclean’s interviews — he refused to leave the room while Coleman spoke and at one point chastised her for answering a question, saying “Check with me before you say any of that on the recording,” Maclean’s reported.

On Dec. 19, the couple met with Trudeau at his office in Ottawa. Photos of the meeting — with Ma’idah Grace, their youngest child, bouncing on the Prime Minister’s knee, Dhakwoen Noah, 2, posing for pictures, while Najaeshi Jonah, 5, seen rearrangin­g furniture — were released by the family on a Twitter account confrontat­ionally called @ BoylesVsWo­rld.

Boyle said he spoke with Trudeau about the Haqqani network and their role in his wife’s miscarriag­e.

Boyle remains in jail awaiting his next court appearance, scheduled for Jan 8. A court order prevents publicatio­n of informatio­n that would identify the alleged victims.


 ?? NATHAN DENETTE / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Joshua Boyle was arrested New Year’s Day on charges of assault, sexual assault, forcible confinemen­t, uttering death threats and misleading police.
NATHAN DENETTE / THE CANADIAN PRESS Joshua Boyle was arrested New Year’s Day on charges of assault, sexual assault, forcible confinemen­t, uttering death threats and misleading police.
 ??  ??
 ?? YOUTUBE ?? Caitlan Coleman and Joshua Boyle, with their children, while being held hostage by the Taliban-linked Haqqani network.
YOUTUBE Caitlan Coleman and Joshua Boyle, with their children, while being held hostage by the Taliban-linked Haqqani network.

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