Windsor Star

A memory of Christmas in India


Slowly the palace gate swung open and Indrajit, prince of Jhalawar, sat next to his hunter. “We’re off to midnight mass,” said Indrajit.

Midnight mass was to be one of the memorable experience­s of our two-week vacation in 1966 at the pink palace set on the dusty plains of Jhalawar, a city in Central India.

We, all five of the Gleason family, clambered aboard the Jeep. But whoa! Two of Indrajit’s servants stood armed, on either side of the Jeep.

Tom, my husband, looked up in surprise. “Sometimes there are dacoits (robbers) in the desert,” our host explained. “We do not want any harm to come to you.”

Indrajit’s grandmothe­r, the Rajmata, was a patron of French missionary nuns in a distant village. The Rajmata’s household put together Christmas baskets and we took off across the desert that Christmas Eve.

The night sky in Rajasthan (the state where Jhalawar is located) was black like velvet with only a few stars piercing it. Once we passed through a village with a cooking fire blazing bright.

Midnight mass was in the compound of French nuns. A nun opened the gate to our Jeep and we rolled inside the compound. Inside the chapel of the compound was bright with candles. We were seated near the little altar, content with being in the presence of God on Christmas Eve.

The babies were wrapped in their mothers’ saris. The sari could have been similar to the garments that the Virgin Mary wore. Mary, Jesus’ young mother, would have carried her newborn baby, just as these girls did in their arms.

Was what we saw in that desert chapel like that event of 2,000 years ago, when Jesus Christ, our Blessed Lord, was born? I believe it. My family believes it. Marie Gleason, Windsor

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